Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/772

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Vacs, DiocESB or (Waitzbn; Vacibnbis; cf . C. of their country. At present it is supporting 100 of

E., XV, 525), in Hungary, sufiFragan of Esztergom their orphans. (Gran), was founded by King Stephen in the year ~ - . « « 

1001. The name of the first bishop is unknown Vadstena. See Bridgbttines

but Clement II or III held the see in 1065. -ir&iiAviiaiii rk,.^^^c» ^» /n.w«T«.*««.vT<>To. ^

Caaky, who held officeTrom 1900 untU his dfeath on £v ai^S An^^fsTf^f^ «^nt^S«.v^

16 S^el>ruary, 1919. Msgr. Hanauer is the first StJ^nf fdT^^jAn l^S^ wK^Wn^ft

bishop in Hligary who i^ been nominated dirccUy S^^^u^^^Xz^^^t^^ ^T^A^ m1?

V^n~i!^on Ir nJ^mW fD JaZ^^^ ^ VaUeyfield was erected by a Pontifical Bull of 12

^^'^ 1^2;bekJ S^&iylJ/ritSW " ^' I>«--^'- 1«1«- I« l«2/the dioeese contained 57..

iminary of Budapest, and chancellor of

izprem. As Bishop of Vacs he has the ]

r^m^n^'iTAn ^^T^.^1 OT^f^'^'X^SV^iTf kI 96 K«ukr prieste. 12 regulars. 30 Brothets, 280 Sisters,

S????!^jAv??.^Ji?.'?!^\i*!2k?*??5°!??^-^I^ 1 seminanr with' IS^minaiians. The 'educational

The late bishop Count Oaky displayed £«* en- ^^^ pnfe^nTw 8tiS<ite)7216 elemoataTsS^

eigym the government of his diocese. Be erected 15 laoo^^tei^re), 1 indiwtS whool (2 Sere, 36

Xf'SwdrJhl««tri3tJteK5 ?-?»-)• rLi6aa^ci^t^leLai.iig^^

equipm^t almost gratis. Hishfe was characterized f^^ST" ' "^**^ '^ '""" '" *^ '^'

by his devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and his * "^p*«"»

benefactions to the poor and at his death he left Vallombrosan* Order (cf. C. E., XV — ^262b). —

evervthing to the Church. This order is an ancient Benedictine Conraegation

The boundanes of the diocese have not been with the mother-house at VaUombroaa near Florence,

chauKed m the recent upheaval, but it has l^n di- Italy. The 8 monasteries for men are S. Maria at

vided by the diocesan synod of 1921 mto 6 arch- Vallainbrosa, 8. Trinitil at Florence, S. Michele

deanenes. and 25 vicariates or deanenes. There are g^i Paasirfano, S. Maria di Montenero at Leghorn, S.

149 parishes, 14 missions; 187 churches; 7 relimous Giuseppe di Pescia at Lucca, La Badia Fiorentina at

houses for men, 17 for Sisters; ?^" '" -^ — _ *-*- _ _ . _» . _ _ . .

300 are seculars and 49 regulars; inary, 5 professors. 76 students; 1 boys' college ^ 3

girls'* colleges, 6 high schools, 60 teachers, 960 pupils, g; Gimignano at Siena'and S. Umilta di Faenwt to

of whom 360 are girls; 1 boys' academy, 7 teachers, ^^ich is attached a boarding place for Florentine

34 pupils; many secondary and primary schools witii indies. The complete number ofpersons in the order

757 t^hers and 72,560 pupils; 1 home for the aged; ig 173. ^fter the promulgation of the Code of Canon

6 orphanages: 2 day nurseries; 3 hospitals. The Law, the order published its new constitution, which

Catholic poi)ulation is 920,()00. . ,^ j. was approved by Pope Benedict XV, 28 May. 1921.

The prmcipal events of importance in the diocese jhe present abbot general of the order is Dom Fedelc

smce 1912 have been the erection of 15 new churches Tarani, elected in May, 1920. The order publishes a

and the ordination of 54 priests. At the b^gmning monthly periodical "B Faggio Vallombrosano." of November. 1918, a area,^ revolution broke out m

Hungary ana on 16 November the Socialists pro- Valva and Solmona, Diocese of (Valvknbib claimed a Hungarian Republic, which on 20 March, et Sulmonensis; cf. C. E., XV — 264c), in Italy, 1919, turned into a Bolshevist state; on 1 August, directly under the jurisdiction of the Holy See. The 1919, the Socialist republic was restored, and uiree present achninistrator is the Rt. Rev. Nicola lexzoni, days later the more conservative element of the citi- b. 1 May, 1860, elected 6 December, 1906. According zens got control. Subsequently the governing body to the statistics of 1920 the diocese contained 150,000 has declared that Hungary is by law a limited mon- Catholics, 58 parishes, 244 churehes and chapels, 142 archy , but owing to political conditions the sovereign secular priests, 48 resulars. 60 seminarians, 2S) Broth- has not yet been able to assume power. During the ers and 30 Sistera. In Februaiy. 1913. occurred the European War the faithful founded a number of hos- death of the celebrated archsBologist and wnter. Rev.

prothonotary Apostolic, the Catholics throughout Vannas, Diocese op (Venbtbnbis; cf. C. £.,

Hungary combined to erect at Gyor an orphanage for XV — 271b), in France, suffragan of Rennes. The

the children of soldiers who lost their lives in d^ense bishop, Rt. Rev. Alcime-Armand Gouraud, b. at