Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/80

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bo religion at all, but the number of Catholics is Pope Benedict XV to the Universal Church. The

growing slowly and parishes are being formed. Most first-fruits of this observance was the submission

of the new inhabitants cotne from the United States and corporate reception of the Society of the

and Europe, with some from Asia. The Indians Atonement itself, 30 October, 1909. The institute

who were the first inhabitants of this territory, have was permitted to retain its name, its dominant

been entirely banished by the influx of white men, characteristics and spirit, and to continue its organ,

but the Canadian government has assigned them "The Lamp, as a Catholic publication. The Father

reservations; they are almost all CathoHc and the Founder took a seven months' course of theology

civil authorities respect their faith, and Catholic at St. Joseph's Seminary, Yonkers, New York, and

boarding schools, aided by the government, have was ordained priest 16 June, 1910. The Friars of

been established and have an attendance of 200 the Atonement are the first congregation of what

Indian children. The Vicariate is at present (1921) is known as the Society of the Atonement, the

under the administration of the Rt. Rev. Emile second congregation being the Sisters of the Atone-

Grouard, O.M.I., DJD., who was consecrated titular ment, who are, however, a separate organization.

Bishop of Ibora 1 August, 1891. and the third congregation, or Tertiaries, being at

During the World War five missionaries, Oblates the same time members of the Third Order of

of Mary Immaculate, rei^onded to the call of the Saint Francis. These three form the institute

French Government, two of whom won the croix known as the Society of the Atonement {Societas

de guerre, and numbers of the men of this territory Adunatiords) and so designated by the Holy Father,

entered the service, many of them giving up their At the time of their reception into the Catholic

lives. Church, two professed friars, five professed sisters.

The Grey Nuns of Montreal have been estab- and ten tertiaries, seventeen persons in all, were lished in this district for many years and have been received in the convent chapel by the present followed by the Sisters of Providence who conduct Bishop of Ogdendburg, Monsignor Conroy, acting 6 schools, and in 1920 by the Sisters of the Holy for His Eminence Cardinal Farley, just ten years Cross, who have opened a school for the children after Father Paul came to Graymoor to make his of FVench Canadians. There are now 28 priests foundation. Up to this time the growth of the (Oblates of Mary Immaculate), 32 churches or Society had been extremely slow and hazardous, chapels, 64 Canadian religious, 8 schools with 600 nothing but a powerful faith in a God-given mis- pupils, and a very modest hospital which, in spite sion sustaining it: but it now received new life and of its size, has rendered very great service. grew rapidly, and its activities along with it. The

11-^), m Greece^ rilfhi.V^'l^l^it^i^^^ offered in the novenas to Our Lady of the Atone-

♦'°^i?! *i! S*'1^;^^A^^^E.^?wi .^H ™ «ent which begin the first Saturday of each month.

  • °.*!if^ i^ i^' ^J? A^?rnh^'nf M^ bT ""»« Union-tSt^Nothing-be-Lort (o. V.), the in-

BucceeAid by the preaent 'ncumbent Most Rev gtrument through which hundreds of thousands of

Louis.Petit, i^suniptiom*. A«hbishop Pet^t^^^^^ m ^^j,^ ^^^ ^^ dispensed to missionaries and

the diocese of Annecy 186?, entered the Orderof ^^ j^ ^^^ j^ ^y ^g of the world, numbers S0,00O

the Assumption.^ 1886, superior at Toulouse 189*- „en,be„. There are 1,500 Tertiari^ of the Sociky.

Sil"** ^*n^'H^P"i' 1895: founder and eAtor of ^j, through these yeare^The Lamp" has been the

"Echos d;Onent and co-puWisher of the "Recueil „f %^ ^^J[ ^^^ ^^^ „f \^^ ^^^ p^ars

des inscnta chr^tiens du Mont-Athos and the ^ ^^e Sisters being extended and developed

charts of the Greek monasteries, fa 1902 he went through its instrumentality. This publication

to Rome and engaged in rwearch work m the ^^^ ^ circulation of over 150.000 in 1921. It is

Propwanda and Vatican Archives, preparato^r to j^y^t^ ^hiefl ^ t^e reunion of the "other sheep"

the Councd of Armeman Catholics held m 1911 ^j^j^ ^y^ Apdstolic See. and to missionary worlc.

the year m which he was made aawtant general of ^he Friars of the Atonement now (1921) number

his order; elected Archbishop 4 March, 1912, and jg p^fessed, 4 novices, and 10 postulants, with 36

named apoetohc dele^te to Greece. He was made ^^^^^^ studying for tke priesthood in Saint John's

?.u"°'^'^°!^°^ *u* ^ifSf^*'** i-^^J^^ Atonement Collie. Graymoor. N. Y. Three ter- Churdi 29 NovembCT. 191?. He ^ntnbuted a num- ^j^ ^^^ also^share the community life of the ber of articles to the Cathouo ENcrcioPmiA. By ^^ ^he president of St. John's Atonement

}?° ^lu^'l** ***^'* •*?'«?*' "•?**^v.*^*^*^f College is Veiy Rev. Paul James Francis, S.A., the Mchbishop's jurisdiction, and of these 8,600 are ^^^^^^ Minister, and Charles H. Schulte, T.S. A, m the diocese properly spe^ng There are 14 ■„ ^^^^^^ ^j ^„^ ^^^^ being a stkff of 10 secular and 12 regular pnwts, 14 brother^ M teachers, including 1 friar-priest and 2 tertiary rehgious, 16 churches or chapels, 1 semmary, 2 lyce- ^^^ '^he coUele includes the scholasticate with urns under the care of religious, 4 boanling sch<»b g philosophers, tte academic department with 21 and a climc directed by religious and 4 elementary gtJde„t8, and the preparatory department with 10 acnooiB. students. There are 3 tertiary priests and 6 tertiary

Atonement, Fbiabs w the, a branch of the Third brothers resident, en^^ed in teaching or in other Order Regular of St. iSrancis, which follows closely departments of the Friars' activities. The Friars the Rule of the Friars Minor, and was founded in of the Atonement serve St. John the Baptist 1899 by the Rev. Paul James Francis. S. A., a clergy- Church, Graymoor, ministering to the rural corn- man oi the Episcopal Church, who was even then en- munity. Besides the original foundation on the dowed with a de fide grasp of Catholic truth and Mount of the Atonement, there is one other at while clinging to the ecclesiastical organization in Hereford, Texas, St. Anthony's Church, being served which he had been reared, bore fearless witness to by Father Salvator, S. A. the Apostolic See of Rome as the de jure divino

center of Catholic imity and communion. The Atonement, Our Ladt or the.— The first Church Chureh Unity Octave (q.v.), propagated by dedicated to the Blessed Virgin under this title is the Society, originated in 1908 and the following in Baguio. Province of Benguct. Philippine Islands, year won the approval and blessing of Pope Pius X. the Rev. Jos6 De Sambcr pastor. This church was It has since been extended by a Papal Brief 3f thus dedicated in 1919, having been erected largely