Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 2.djvu/12

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COLEMAN, CARYL. B.A.. Pelham Manor, New York.


CONNELLAN, P. L., F.R.S.A. of Irel.vxd. Knight OF St. Gregory the Rome.

CORBETT, JOHN, S.J., Professor of Holy Scripture, Woodstock College, Maryl.vnd.

COTTER. JAMES M., S.J., Woodstock College, Maryl.\nd.

CRE.\GH, JOHN T., J.U.D., Professor of Canon Law, C.'VTHOlic University of America,


CROWNE, J. VINCENT, A.M., Ph.D., Instructor IN English, College of the City of New York.

D' ALTON, E. A., M.R.I.A.; Athenry, Ireland.

DE LAAK, H.. S.J., Professor of Physics and

Mathematics, St. Louis Untversity, St.

Louis. DELAM.AJiRE, LOUIS N., Ph.D., Instructor

IN French, College of the City of New

York. DEL.\NEY, JOSEPH F., New Y'ork. de MOREIRA, M., A.m., Litt.D., New Y'ork. DE SMEDT, CH., S.J., Brussels. DEVINE, E. J., S.J., Woodstock College, M.^.ry--


DEVITT, E. J., S.J., Professor of Psychology, Georgetown University, Washington.

DEVLIN, WILLIA^I, S.J., Woodstock College, Maryland.

DIERINGER, BARNABAS, Professor of Lan- guages AND Music, St. Francis SEmNARY, St. Francis, Wisconsin.

DIONNE, N. E., S.B., M.D., Libr.\rian to the Legislature of Quebec.

DISSEZ, P., Professor of P.\storal Theology,

St. Mart's Seminary, Baltimore. DONNELLY, F. P., S.J., St. Andrew-on-Hud-

soN, Podghkeepsie, New York. DONOVAN, STEPHEN M., O.F.M., Franciscan

Mon.\stery, Washington. DOUMIC, RENE, Liter.ary and Dram.\tic Critic,

"Revue des Deux Mondes", Paris.

DRISCOLL, J.\MES F., D.D., President of St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York.

DRURY. EDWIN, Nerinx, Kentucky. DUBRAY, C. A., S.T.B., Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, Marist College, Washington.

DUMONT, F. .\i. L.. President of Divinity College. Catholic Univer-sity of America. Washington.

DUNN. JOSEPH, Ph.D., Assistant Professor OF Celtic Languages and Literature. Catholic University of America, Wash- ington.

EGAN, ANDREW, O.F.M., Profe.ssor of Theol- ogy, The Friary, Forest G.\te, London.

FANNING, WILLL\M H. W.. S.J., Professor of Church History and Canon Law, St. Louis University, St. Louis.

FENLON, JOHN F., S.3.. S.T.D., President St. Austin's College, Brookland, D. C, Pro- fessor OF Sacred Scripture, St. Mary':^ Seminary, B.altimore.

FERNANDES, P. A., Bassein, India.

FL.\HERTY, M. J., A.M., Professor of the His- tory OF Philosophy .and English, St. John's Semin.iry, Brighton, Massachusetts.

FORD. HUGH EDMUND, O.S.B., Abbot of Gl.istonburv, Downside Abbey, Bath, Eng- land.

FOURNET, A., S.S., Proff.ssor of Belle.*- Lettres, College de Montreal, Montreal.

FOX, JAMES J., S.T.D., B.A., Professor of Phi- losophy, St. Tho-mas's College, Washington.

FOX, WILLIAM, B.S., M.E., Associate Pro- fessor OF Physics, College of the City of New York.

tFRISBEE, S. H., S.J., Woodstock College. Maryl.^jkd.

FUENTES, \rENTURA, A.B., M.D., Instructor. College of the City of New York.

FUREY, JOHN, Pay Inspector U. S. N. (Re- tired), Brookly-n, New Y'ork.

GANS. LEO, J.C.D., Professor of Canon Law. The St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota.

GANSS, HENRY G., Mus. D., Carlisle, Penn-


GAUDET, LOUIS, Scorton, Yorkshire, Eng- land.

GEOGHAN, J. J., S.J., Woodstock College. Maryland.

GERARD, JOHN, S.J., F.L.S., London.

GEUDENS. FRANCIS MARTIN, O.Pr.em., Abbot Titular of Barlings, Corpus Christi Priory. Manchester, Engl.and.

GIETMANN, G., S.J.. St. Ign.\tius College. Val- kenburg, Holland.

GIGNAC, JOS. N., S.T.D., J.C.D., Professor of Canon Law, University of Laval. Quebec. + Deceased.
