Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 2.djvu/14

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LINDSAY. LIONEL ST. G., B.Sc, S.T.D., Ph.D., Editor in Chief, "La Nouvelle France", Quebec.

LINEHAN, PAUL H., B.A., Instructor Colleoe OF THE City of New York.

LINS. JOSEPH. Freiburg. Germany.

LOPEZ, TIRSO. O.S.A., Colegio de los Agus-


LORTIE. STANISLAS A., A.M., S.T.D., Pro- fessor OF Theology, University of Laval, Quebec.

LOUGHLIN, Mgk. JAMES F., S.T.D., Phil.\- delphia.

MAAS, A. J.,S.J., Rector of Woodstock College, Maryl.\nd.

MAES, CAJIILLUS P., Bishop of Covington, Kentucky.

MacCAFFREY, JAMES, S.T.L., St. Patrick's College, Maynooth, Dublin.

McCAFFRAY', ARTHUR J., S.J., Wood.stock College, Maryland.

McMAHON, ARTHUR L., O.P., Lector of Sacred Theology, Professor of Moral Theology and Sacred Scripture, Dominican House of Studies, Washington.

McMAHON, JOSEPH H., A.M., Ph.D., New Y'ork.

McNEAL, MARK J., S.J., Woodstock College, Maryland.

McNICHOLAS, JOHN T., O.P., S.T.L., Lector, Washington.


McSORLEY, JOSEPH, C.S.P., A.M., S.T.L., St. Paul's Church, New Y'ork.

MANN, HORACE K., Headmaster St. Cdth- bert's Grammar School, Newcastle-on- Tyne, E.vgland.

MEEHAN, ANDREW B., Ph.D., S.T.D., Pro- fessor of Canon Law and Liturgy, St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, New Y'ork.

MEEHAN, THO.M.AS F., New Y^ork.

MELODY', JOHN WEBSTER, A.M., S.T.D., As- soci.\te Profe.ssor of Moral Theology, Catholic Univer.sity of America, Wash- ington.

MERCEDES, Sister, St. Elizabeth's Convent, Cornwells, Pennsylvania.

MERSHMANN, FRANCIS. O.S.B., S.T.D., Pro- FE.SSOR OF Moral Theology, Canon Law and Liturgy, St. John's University, College- ville, Minnesota.

MOELLER, CH., Professor of General His- tory, University of Louvain.

MOLLAT, G., Ph.D., Paris.

MOONEY, J.\S., LTnited States Ethnologist, Washington.

MORICE, A. (i.. Ka.mloops City', British Colum- bia.

MORRISROE, P.\TRICK, Dean and Professor op Liturgy, St. P.^trick's College. May- nooth, Dublin.

MUCKERMANN. H., S.J., Professor of Mathe- m.\tics and Natural Sciences, St. Ignatius College, Valkenburg. Holland.

MUELLER, ADOLF, S.J., Director of the Pri- vate Astronomical Observatory on the Janiculum, Professor of Astro.nomy at the Gregorian University, Rome.

MURPHY, JOHN F. X., S.J.. Woodstock Col- lege, Maryland.

NUGENT, F. v., CM., St. Louis.

O'DANIEL, VICTOR F., O.P., S.T.L., Professor OF DoGM.\Tic Theology, Dominican House OF Studies, Washington.

O'DONOGHUE, D. J., Dublin.

OESTREICH. THOMAS, O.S.B., Professor of Church History and Sacred Scripture, Maryhelp Abbey, Belmont, North Caro- lina.

O'LAUGHLIN, FRANCIS D., S.J., Woodstock College, Maryland.

O'MALIA, M. J., Fordham University, New Y'ork.

O'NEIL, LEO F., A.B., S.T.L., Boston.

O'NEILL, J. D., A.M., S.T.D., Lake Forest, Illinois.

O'RIORDAN, Mgr. M., Ph.D., S.T.D., D.C.L., Rector of the Irish College, Rome.

OTT, MICHAEL, O.S.B., Ph.D., Professor of the History of Philosophy, St. John's Uni- versity, COLLEGEVILLE, MINNESOTA.

OTTEN, JOSEPH, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.

OUSS.\NI, 0.\BRIEL, Ph.D., Professor of Hebrew and the Semitic Languages, Orien- tal History and Biblical Arch.eology, St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York.

fPARGOIRE, JULES, A.A., Constantinople.

PETERSON, JOHN B., Professor of Ecclesi- astical History and Liturgy, St. John's Seminary, Brighton, Massachusetts.

PETIT, L., a. a., Constantinople.

PETRIDES. S., A.A., Constantinople. t Deceased.