Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 4.djvu/17

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SOLLIER, JOSEPH FRANCIS, S.M., S.T.D, San Francisco: Colbert; Colin, Jean; Communion of Saints ; Cornet ; Cyrus of Alexandria ; Darboy ; Deschamps, Nicolas; Dillon.

SOUVAY, CHARLES L.,C.M.,LL.B., S.T.D., Ph.D., Professor of Holy Scripture and Hebrew, Kenrick Semin.ary, St. Louis: Court (in Scrip- ture); Dagon; Dancing; Dietenbergor.

SPAHN, MARTIN, Ph.D., University op Stras- burg, Germany: Congresses (Parts I and II).

SPILL.A.NE, EDWARD P., S.J., Associate Ed- itor, "The Messenger", New York: Co- quart; Cordara; Cr^pieu!; Dablon; Daniel, Anthony; Dawson; Detre; Diaz, Pedro.

STAPLETON, JOHN H., Hartford, Connecticut: Clericato; Climent; Commandments of God; Compensation, Occult; Contenson; Co veto us- ness.

STIGLMAYR, JOSEPH, S.J., Professor of Latin, Greek, and Gerii.\n, Stell.\^ Matutina Coir- lege, Feldkirch, Austria: Denis, Saint,

TA.\FFE, THOMAS GAFFNEY, PhJ)., lN.sTRUcroR IN English Liter.\ture, College of the City or New York : Crevecoeur.

THURSTON, HERBERT, S.J., London: Clement VH; Collections; Cope; Coronation; Corporal; Costume; Cross and Crucifix (Part III. In Liturgy) ; Crown of Thorns ; Cursor Mundi ; Cyne- wulf; Daniel of Winchester; Dates and Dating; Deacons ; Deaconesses.

TOKE, LESLIE ALEXLANDER ST. LAWRENCE, B.A., Stratton-on-the-Fosse, near Bath, E.ngland: David, Saint.

TONER, PATRICK J., D.D., Professor of Dog- M.VTic Theology, St. Patrick's College, May- nooth: Communion under Both lunds; Dead, Prayers for the.

TURNER, WILLIAM, B.A., S.T.D., Professor of Logic and the History of Philo.sophy, Catho- lic University of America, Washington: CjTiic School of Philosophy; Cyrenaic School of Philosophy; David of Dinant.

URQUHART, FRANCIS FORTESCUE, M.A., Lec- turer IN Modern History, B.\lliol College, O.kford; Diceto.

VAILHE, SIMEON, A.A., Member of the Ru.ssian


Professor op Sacred Scripture and History AT the Theological Seminary of Kadi-Keui, Constantinople: Constantia; Constantinople; Coptos; Corycus; Crisitim; Curubis; Cyrrhus; Cyzicus; Damascus; Damietta; Dioeaesarea.

VAN^ BA.\RS, JACOBUS JOH.ANNES AMBRO- SIUS, Vicar Apostolic of Curasao: Curasao.

VAN CLEEF, AUGUSTUS, New York: Diepen- beeck.

VAN DEN BIESEN, C, S.T.D., Professor of He- brew AND Old Test.vment Exegesis, St. Jo- seph's College, Mill Hill, London: Diaspora.

VAN HOVE, A., D.C.L., Professor of Church His- tory and of Canon Law, University of Lou- V-un: Corpus Juris Canonici; Decretals; Dens; Devoti.

VAN KASTEREN, JOHN P., S.J., Maastricht, Holl.vnd: Cornelius Cornelii a Lapide.

VANOUS, FRANCIS, Chicago: Czech Language and Literature.

VERMEERSCH, ARTHUR, S.J., LL.D., Doctor of Social and Political Sciences, Professor of MoR.A^L Theology and Canon Law, Lou vain: Qoister; Congo.

VOLZ, JOHN R., O.P., Washington: Coeffeteau; Collado ; Conradin of Bornada.

WALSH, J.A.MES J., M.D., Ph.D., LL.D., Profes-sor OF the History of Medicine, Fordha.m L^ni- VERsiTY, New York: Colombo, Matteo; Con- stant ine Africanus; Corrigan, Sir Dominic; David, Armand; Desault.

WALSH, REGINALD, O.P., S.T.D., Rome: Denifle.

WARD, Mgr. BERNARD, President, St. Edmund's College, Ware, England: Corporation Act of 1661.

WARREN, K\TE MARY, Lecturer in English Literature under University of London at Westfield College, Hajipstead, London: D'Avenant.

WEALE, WILLIAM HENRY JAMES, London: David, Gheeraert.

WEBB, JAMES H., New H.aven, Connecticut: Connecticut.

WEBER, N. A., S.M., S.T.L., Professor op Church History, Marist College, Washington: Cle- mens; Clement VI; Costadoni; Cotelier.

WILHELM, J., S.T.D., Ph.D., B.attle, Sussex, England: Clement XIV; College, Apostolic; Constitutions, Ecclesiastical; Councils, General.

WILLIAMSON, GEORGE CHARLES, Litt.D., London: Contarini, Giovanni; Cossa; Costa; Cosway ; Coxcie ; Crayer ; Credi ; Dance of Death (Second Part).

WILLIS, JOHN WILLEY, A.M., St. Paul, Minne- sota: Corporation.

WITTMANN, PIUS, Ph.D., Reichsarchivrath, Munich: Denmark.

YZERMANS, HENRICUS WILHELMUS ULARIA, Can. S.C, S.T.L., St. Agatha, near Cuyk, Hol- land: Crosiers, The.

ZIMMERMAN, B., O.D.C., St. Luke's Priory, Win- canton, Somerset, England: Cohen; Con- ecte; Cyril of Constantinople; Dereser.