Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 5.djvu/477

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vols., St. Petersburg, 1S90-1902); "Boljgaja Enciklo- pedija", ed. Jushakow (St. Petersburg. 1899). Poland: "Encjklopedya powszechna", ed.Orgelbrand (28 vols., Warsaw, 1859-68), Sikorski (Warsaw, 1890). Bohemia: "Slovnfk Naufinv", ed. Kober (12 vols., Prague, 1860-87) ; " Ottiiv Slovnik Naucn5^, ed. Otto (17 vols., Prague, 1888-1901). Hungary: "Pallas Nagy Lexikona" (16 vols., Budapest, 1893-97; suppl., 1900); an Arabian encyclopedia was discontinued when it reached the ninth volume (Beirut, 1876-87). In addition to these works, which were prepared for general reference, technical encyclopedias reached great perfection during the nineteentli century. There is hardly a science or department of knowledge which is not fully covered in some work of this kind. In the province of general theology Migne has pul> lished in his " Encycl. theologique" (Paris, 184-1-75), a series of over 100 special lexicons treating the differ- ent branches of theology: dogmas, heresies, liturgy, symbolism, archaeology, councils, cardinals, etc. An- other comprehensive encyclopedia, dealing especially with theology and church history, is the " Dizionario tli erudizione storico-ecclesiastica " of Gaetano Moroni (103 vols., 6 index vols., Venice, 1840-79). The "Handlexikon der kath. Theologie", ed. Schaffer (3 vols., from A to Reservationen, Ratisbon, 1881-91) and Aschbach's "Kirchenlexikon" (4 vols., 1846-51) remained unfinished. The most important Catholic encyclopedia of Germany is Wetzer and Welte's "Kirchenlexikon" (13 vols., Freiburg, 1847-60; 2nd ed., 1880-91; index vol., 1903). A short but com- prehensive encyclopedia is Buchberger's " Kirchliches Handlexikon" (Munich, 1907 — ). Similar under- takings are " Dictionnaire de theologie catholique", ed. Vacant and Mangenot (Paris, 1903 — ) and The Catholic Encyclopedia, ed. Herbermann, Pace, Fallen, Shahan, and Wynne (15 vols.. New York, 1906 — ), which deals with the constitution, doctrine, discipline, and history of the Church, and whatever is connected with the interests of the Church. Among distinctively Protestant encyclopedias may be men- tioned: " Lexikon fiir Theologie und Kirchenwesen", ed. H. Holtzmann and Zopffel (2nd ed., Brunswick, 1888); "Realencyklopadie fiir protestantische Theo- logie und Kirche", ed. Herzog (21 vols., 1853-68; 3rd ed., 21 vols., ed. Hauck, 1896-1908; tr. New York, 1908 — ); "Die Religion in Geschichte und Ge- genwart", ed. Schiele (5 vols., Tubingen, 1909 — ), on the same plan as Buchberger's " Handlexikon ". There are a large number of Biblical dictionaries; the earliest is the " Grand dictionnaire de la Bible ou explication litt^rale et historique de tous les mots propres du vieux et nouveau Test.", ed. Richard Simon (Lyons, 1693). Soon after appeared Calmet's " Diet, historique, critique, chronologique, g^ogra- phique et littoral de la Bible" (Paris, 1719). A work which is still useful is the " Biblisches Realworter- buch", ed. G. B. Winers (2 vols., 3rd ed., 1847-48). I). Schenkel's "Bibellexikon" is pronouncedly ration- alistic; the Jewish point of view is found in Ham- burger's " Realencyklopadie fiir Bibel und Talmud " (2 vols., 4 suppl. vols.; newed., 1896-97); "The Jew- ish Encyclopedia", ed. Singer (New York, 1906 — ). Among Protestant Biblical dictionaries are the " Handworterbuch des biblischen Altertums", ed. Riehm and Bathgen (2 vols., Bielefeld, 1893-94); " KurzesBibelworterbuch",ed.H.Guthe(1903); "Cy- clopedia of Biblical Literature ", ed. Kitto (3rd ed., ed. .■Mexander, 3 vols., Edinburgh, 1862-65) ; " Dictionary of the Bible", ed. Smith (London, 1860-63, 3 vols.; 2nd ed.. Smith and Fuller, 1893); "Dictionary of the Bible", ed. Hastings (4 vols., Edinburgh, 189S-1902, suppl. vol., 1904); the well-known rationalistic "En- cyclopa-dia biblica", ed. Cheyne and Black (4 vols.; London, 1899-1903). There are only two Catholic Biblical encyclopedias: Vigouroux, " Dictionnaire de la bible contenant tous les noms de personnes, de v.— 2?

lieux, de plantes, d'animaux mentionn^s dans les s. Ecritures" (Paris, 1895 — ), and the "Lexicon bibli- cum" of M. Hagen (4 vols., Paris, 1905—). The following encyclopedias deal with Christian archae- ology: "Dictionnaire des antiquites chretiennes", ed. Martigny (2nd ed., Paris, 1877); "Dictionary of Christian Antiquities", ed. Smith and Cheetham (London, 1875); Kraus, " Real-Encyklopadie der christlichen Alterthumer" (2 vols., Freiburg im Br., 1882-86); Cabrol, "Dictionnaire d'archeologie chr^- tienne et de liturgie" (Paris, 1907[ — ). Hagiography and the veneration of relics, besides the volume in Migne's " Encyclopedie theologique ", " Heiligenlexi- kon", ed. Stadler and Heim (5 vols., 1858-82); on church music: "Lexikon der kirchlichen Tonkunst", ed. Kornmiiller (2nd ed., 2 vols., Ratisbon, 1891-95). Medicine is treated in "Medizinisch-chirurgische Encyk.", ed. Prosch and Ploss (4 vols., Leipzig, 186f); "Realencyklop.der gesamten Heilkunde", ed. Eulenburg (3rded., Vienna, 1893); "Handworterbuch der gesamten Medizin" (2nd ed., Stuttgart, 1899- 1900). Jurisprudence and sociology: " Encyklopadie der Rechtswissenschaf t ", ed. F. v. Holtzendorff (1870- 73; 6th ed., 1903 — ); "Encykl. der Rechtswissen- schaf t", ed. Birkmeyer (Berlin, 1901); "Staats- und Gesellschafts-Lex.", ed. H. Wagener (26 vols., Berlin, 1859-68); "Staatslex.", ed. Rotteck and Welcker (15 vols., Altona, 1835-44; 3rd ed. 14 vols., 1850-66); the Catholic "Staats- Lexikon" nf the Gorres Society, ed. Bruder (5 vols., Freiburg im Br., 1889-97; 4th ed., ed. Bachem, 1908--) ; " Deutsches Staatsworterbuch ", ed. Bluntschli (2 vols., 1857-70 ; new ed., 3 vols., 1869- 74); "Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften", ed. Conrad, El-ster, Lexis, and Loening (6 vols., 2 suppl. vols., 1889-98); "Nouveau diet, d 'economic poli- tique", ed. Fay and Chailley (2 vols., Paris, 1891-92); "Worterbuch der Volkswirtschaft", ed. Elster (2 vols., 1808; 2nd ed., 1907); "Handworterbuch der Schweizer Volkswirtschaft ", ed. Reichesberg ( 1901 — ) ; " Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy, and Political History of the United States", ed. Lalor (Chicago, 1881); "Handworterbuch der gesamten Militarwissenschaften", ed. Poten (Bielefeld, 1877- 80). Philosophy: "Dictionnaire des sciences philoso- phiques", ed. Frank (3rd ed., 1885). Natural .science: "Encyklopadie der Naturwissenschaften" (Breslau, 1879 — ); "EncyclopMie d'hLstoire naturelle", ed. Chenu (22 vols, of text, 9 vols, of illustrations, Paris, 1850-61). Antiquity: "Realencyk. der klass. Alter- tumswissenschaf t ", ed. Pauly (6 vols., Stuttgart, 1842-66; ed. Wissowa, 1S94— ); "Reallexikon des klassischen Altertums", ed. Liibker (1853 — ; 7th ed., 1890); " Reallexicon der deutschen Altertumer", ed. Gotzinger (2nd ed., Leipzig, 1885). History and biography: "Encyklopadie der neuern Gesch.", ed. Herbst (5 vols., Gotha, 1880-90); "Allgemeine deut.sche Biographic" (47 vols., 1875-1903; suppl., 190.5 — ), and, supplementary, Bettelheim's "Jahr- buch fiJr Biographic und Necrologie" (1903 — ); "Dictionnaire encyclopedique d'histoire, de biog- raphic, de mythologie et de geographie", ed. Gr^goire (Paris, 1894); "Dictionnaire des contemporains", ed. Vapereau (Paris, 1858; 6th ed., 1893; suppl., 1895); "Dictionnaire des litterateurs", ed. Vapereau (1876; 2nd ed., 1884); "Dictionary of National Biography" (63 vols., London, 1863-1903; newed., 1908); "Nou- velle biographic g^n^rale" (46 vols., Paris, 1855-66); "Dizionario biografico degli scrittori contempor- anei", ed. de Gubernatis (3 vols., Florence, 1890-91); "Men and Women" (5th ed., 1899); "Who's Who" (1857—); "Who's WTio in America" (1899—); "Wer ist's?", ed. Degener (1905—). "The Catholic Who's Who" (London, 2nd ed., 1909). Geography: "Geo- graphisch-statistisches Lexikon", ed. Ritter (2 vols., 1835; 8th ed., 1895); "Dictionnaire universelle d'his- toire et de geographic", ed. Bouillet (Paris, 1842; 32nd ed., 1901 ; "Nouveau dictionnaire de geographic uni-