Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 5.djvu/542

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Tyburn; Robert Anderton p., q. v., with William Marsden p., 25 April, Isle of Wight; Francis Ingleby p., 3 June, York; John Finglow p., 8 Aug., York; John Sandys p., 11 Aug., Gloucester; John Adams p., q. v., with John Lowe p., 8 Oct., Tyburn, and Richard Dib- dale p., 8 Oct., Tyburn; Robert Bickerdike 1., 8 Oct., York; Ricliard Langley 1., 1 Dec, York. 1587: Thomas Pilchard p., 21 March, Dorchester; Edmund Sykes p., q. v., 23 March, York; Robert Sutton p., q. v., 27 July, Stafford ; Stephen Rowsham p., q. v., July or earlier, Gloucester; John Ilambley p., q. v., about same time. Chard in Somerset; George Douglas p., 9 Sept., York; Alexander Crowe p., 13 Nov., York. 1588: Nicholas Garlick p., q. v., with Robert Ludlam p. and Richard Sympson p., 24 July, Derby; Roliert Morton p., q. v., and Hugh Moor 1., in Lincoln's Inn Fields; William Gunter p.. Theatre, Southwark; Thomas Holford p., Clerkenwell; William Dean p., and Henry Webley '., Mile E:k1 Green; James Claxton p.; Thomas Felton, O.S.F., Hounslow. These eight were condemned together and suffered on the same day, 28 Aug. Richard Leigh p., q. v., Edward Shelley 1., Richard Martin 1., Richard Flower (Floyd or Lloyd) 1., John Roche 1., Mrs. Margaret Ward, q. v., all con- demned with the last, and all suffered 30 Aug., Ty- burn. William Way p., 23 Sept., Kingston-on- Thames; Robert Wilcox p., q. v., with Edward Cam- pion p., Christopher Buxton p., Robert Widmerpool 1., 1 Oct., Canterbury; Ralph Crockett p., q. v., with Ed- ward .lames p., 1 Oct., Chichester; John Robinson p., 1 Oct., Ipswich; WUham Hartley p., q. v.. Theatre, Southwark, with John Weldon {vere Hewett) p.. Mile End Green, Robert Sutton 1., Clerkenwell, and Rich- ard Williams (Queen Mary priest, who was more prol> ably executed in 1592, and his name, erroneously transferred here, seems to have pushed out that of John Symons, or Harrison), 5 Oct., Holloway; Ed- ward Burden p., 29 Nov., York; William Lampley 1., Gloucester, day uncertain. 15S9: John Amias p., q. v., with Robert Dalby p., 16 March, York; George Nichols p., q. v., with Richard Yaxley p., Thomas Bel- son 1., and Humphrey Pritchard 1., 5 July, Oxford; William Spenser p., q. v., with Robert Hardesty 1., 24 Sept., York. 1590: Christopher Bayles p.. Fleet Street, with Nicholas Horner 1., Smithfield, and Alex- ander Blake 1., 4 March, Gray's Inn Lane; Miles Ger- ard p., q. v., with Francis Dicconson p., 30 April, Rochester; Ethvard Jones p., Conduit, Fleet Street, and Anthony Middleton p., 6 May, Clerkenwell; Ed- mund Duke p., with Richard Hill p., q. v., John Hogg p., and Richard Holhday p., 27 May, Durham. 1591 : Robert Thorpe p., q. v., with Thomas Watkinson 1., 31 May, York; Monford Scott p., q. v., with George Bees- ley p., 2 July, Fleet Street, London; Roger Dicconson p., with Ralph Milner 1., 7 July, Winchester; William Pikes 1., day not known, Dorchester; Edmund Jen- nings p., q. v., wth Swithin Wells 1., Gray's Inn Fields; Eustace White p., q. v., with Polydore Plasden p., Brian Lacy 1., John Mason 1., Sydnej' Hodgson 1., all seven, 10 Dec, Tyburn. 1592: William Patenson p.,

22 Jan., Tyburn; Thomas Pormort p., q. v., 20 Feb., St. Paul's Churchyard, London; Roger Ashton 1., q. v.,

23 June, Tylmrn. 1593: Edward Waterson p., 7 Jan. (but perhaps of the next year), Newcastle-on-Tyne; James Bird 1., hanged 25 March, Winchester; Joseph Lampton p., q. v., 27 July, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Wil- liam Davics p., q. v., 21 July, Beaumaris. 1594: John Speed 1., condemned for receiving a priest, 4 Feb., Durham; William Harrington p., q. v., IS Feb., Ty- burn; John Cornelius, S.J., q. v., with Thomas Bos- grave 1., John Carey 1., Patrick Salmon 1., 4 July, Dor- chester; John Boste p., q. v., Durham, with John In- gram p., q. v., Neweastlc-on-Tyne, and George Swal- lowell, a convert minister, tried together, and they .suf- fered 24, 25, and 2(5 Julv. Darlington: Edward (kbal- deston p., 10 -Nov., York. 1595: Robert Soutlnvell p., S.J., q. v., 21 Feb., Tyburn; Alexander Rawlins p.,

with Henry Walpole p., S.J., q. v., 7 April, York; Wil- liam Freeman p., q. v., 13 Aug., Warwick; Philip Howard, q. v.. Earl of Arundel, 19 Oct., Tower of Lon- don. 1596: George Errington, gentleman, William Knight 1., William Gibson 1., Henry Abbot 1., 29 Nov., York. 1597: William Andleby p., q. v., with Thomas Warcop 1., Edward Fulthrop 1.. 4 July, York. 1.598: John Brittou 1., q. v., 1 April, York; Peter Snow p., q. v., with Ralph Gnmston 1., 15 June, York; John Buck- ley, O.S.F., q. v., 12 July, St. Thomas Waterings; Christopher Robinson p., 19 Aug., Carlisle; Richard Horner p., 4 Sept., York. 1599: John Lion 1., 16 July, Oakham; James Dowdall 1., 13 Aug., Exeter. 1600: Cliristopher Wharton p., 28 March, York; John Rigby 1., q. v., 21 June, St. Thomas Waterings; Thomas Sprott p., q. v., with Thomas Hunt p., 11 July, Lin- coln; Robert Nutter p., q. v., with Edward Thw^ng p., 26 July, Lancaster; Thomas Palasor p., q. v., with John Norton 1. and John Talbot 1., 9 Aug., Durham. 1601: John Pibush p., 18 Feb., St. Thomas Waterings, Mark Barkworth, O.S.B., q. v., with Roger Filcock, S J. and Anne Line, q. v., 27 Feb., Tyburn; Thurstan Hunt p., q. v., with Robert Middleton p., 31 March, Lancaster; Nicholas Tichborne 1., q. v., with Thomas Hackshot 1., 24 Aug., Tylnirn. 1602: James Harri- son p.,q. v.. with Anthony Battle or Bates 1.. 22 March, York; James Duckett 1., q. v., 19 .\pril, Tyburn; Thomas Tichborne p., q. v., with Robert Watkinson p., and Francis Page, S.J., 20 April, Tyburn. 1603: William Richardson p., 17 Feb., Tyburn.

(3) Under James I and Charles. — 1604: John Sugar p., q. v., with Robert GrLssold 1., 16 July, Warwick; LawTence Bailey 1., 16 Sept., Lancaster. 1605: Thomas Welbom'ne 1., with John Fulthering 1., 1 Aug., York; William Brown 1., 5 Sept., Ripon. 1606: Mar- tyrs at the time of the Powder Plot: Nicholas Owen, S.J., day unknown. Tower; Edward Oldcorne, S.J., q. v., with Ralph Ashley, S.J., q. v., 7 .\pril, Worces- ter. From this time till the end of the reign the martyrs might have saved their lives had they taken the con- demned oath of allegiance. 1607: Robert Drury p., 26 Feb., Tyburn. 1608: Matthew Flathers p., 21 March, York; George Gervase, O.S.B., q. v., 11 April, Tyburn; Thomas Garnet, S.J., q. v., 23 June, Tyburn. 1610: Roger Cadwallador p., q. v., 27 Aug., Leomin- ster; George Napper p., q. v., 9 Nov., Oxford; Thomas Somers p., 10 Dec, Tyburn; John Roberts, O.S.B., q. v., 10 Dec, Tyburn. 1612: William Scot, O.S.B., q. v., with Richard Newport p., 30 May, Tyburn; John Almond p., 5 Dec, Tyburn. 1616: Thomas .\tkinson p., q. v., 11 March, York; John Thulis p., with Roger Wrenno 1., IS March, Lancaster; Thomas Maxfield p., q. v., 1 July, Tyburn; Thomas Tunstal p., 13 July, Norwich. 1618: William Southerne p., 30 April, New- castle-under-Lyne. 1628: Etlmund .\rrowsmith, S.J. (see Edmund Arrowsmitu), with Richard Herst 1., 20 and 21 Aug., Lancaster.

(4) Commonwealth. — All these suffered before the death of Oliver Cromwell. — 1641: William Ward p., q. v., 26 July, Tyburn; Edward Barlow, O.S.B., q. v., 10 Sept., Lancaster. 1642: Thomas Reynolds p., with Bartholomew Roe, O.S.B., 21 January, Tyburn; John Lockwood p., q. v., with Edmund Catherick p., q. v., 13 April, York; Edward Morgan p., q. v., 26 April, Tyburn; Hugh Green p., q. v., 19 -Uig., Dorchester; Thomas Bullaker, O.S.F., q. v., 12 Oct., Tyburn; Thomas Holland, S.J., q. v., 12 Dec, Tyburn. 1643: Henrv Heath, O.S.F., q. v., 17 April, Tyburn; Brian Cansfield, S.J., 3 Aug., York Ca.stle; Arthur Bell, O.S.F., q. v., 11 Dec, Tyburn. 164 i: Richard Price, colonel, 7 May, Lincoln; John Duckett p.. with Ralph Corbie, S.J., q. v., 7 Sept., Tyburn. 1645: Henry Morse, S.J., q. v., 1 Feb., Tvburn; John Goodman p., q. v., 8 April, Newgate. 1646: Philip Powel, O.S.B., .'iO June, Tyburn; John Woodcock, O.S.F., with Ed- ward Bamher p., q. v., and Thomas Whitaker p., 7 Aug., Lancaster. 1651: Peter Wright, S.J., q. v., 19