Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 6.djvu/508

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Machbena (II Par., ii, 49), prob. the same as Cheb- bon.

Machmas (I Kings, xiii, 2,etc.; Benjamin): Mikhmas N. of Jerusalem.

MachmHhath (Jos., xvi, 7, etc., limit of Ephraini and W. Manasses), perhaps not a city, but a region, poss. the Plain of EI-Makhndh (Guthe).

Machtesh (Soph., i, 11; D.V.: "the Mortar"), a place near Jerusalem, " the Valley of Siloe" (St. Je- rome).

Madmena (I Par., ii, 49). See Medemena.

Madon (Jos.,xi, 1, etc.) perh. should be read Maron; poss. Kh. Madin, W. of Tiberias, or Meiron, N.W. of Safed.

Magala (I Kings, xvii, 20; xxvi, 57), wrongly inter- preted by Vulg. as a proper name; means a fenced encampment.

Magdal, 1 (Ex., xiv, 2, etc.): perh. Serapeura. — 2 (Jer., xliv, 1, etc.) perh. the same; poss. Tell es-Semut, near Pelusium.

Magdala (Matt., xv, 39; Mark, viii, 10; text not certain): El-Mejdel; on the W. shore of the L. of Tiberias.

Magdalel (Jos., xix, 38; Nephtali): poss. El-Mejdel; according to the Onomasticon, Athlit.

Magdalgal (Jos., xv, 37; Sephela), Assyr.: Magdilu; either El-Mejdel, near Ascalon, or El-Mejeleh, S. of Beit Jibrin.

Magedan (Matt., xv, 39). See Magdala, Dalmanu- tha.

Mageddo, Mageddon. See Mageddo.

Mageth (I Mach., v, 26, 36; Transjord.): prob. Kh. el-Mukatiyeh, W. of the confluence of the RuqqAd and the Yarmiik.

Magron, 1 (I Kings, xiv, 2), prob. a common name indicating the top of the hill on the slope of which Jeba' is built. — 2 (Is., x, 28): poss. Makrun, N.W. of Mikhmas.

Mahamnin: Ivh. Mahneh, S.W. of Hauran, in the Jebel 'Ajlun, N. of the Jaboc.

Mahane Dan (Judges, xiii, 25; xviii, 12), a place W. of Cariathiarim.

Mallos (II Mach., iv, 30), a city of Cilicia.

Malta (q.v.).

Matnbre. See Hebron.

Manaim (Jos., xiii, 26, etc.). See Mahanaim.

Manasses (q.v.).

Maon, 1 (Jos., xv, 55; S. Juda): Kh. Ma'in. — 2 (Judges, X, 12), perhaps Ma'an, E. of Petra; text poss. corrupt.

Mara (Ex., xv, 23), station of the Israelites be- tween Egypt and Mt. Sinai, perh. 'Ain Hawdra, or Wady Mereira.

Maresa, a city in the Sephela ; the name is preserved in Kh. Maresh, near Beit Jibrin ; the sit« was prob. in Tell Sandahanna, a little S.E. of Kh. Maresh. _ Marelh (Jos., xv, 59: mount, of Juda), poss. Beit Ummar, S.S.W. of Bethlehem.

Marolh (Mich., i, 12). Unknown, although some deem it to be identical with Mareth.

Masai (Jos., xix, 26 etc.; Aser): perh. Khan Mit- hiliya, S.W. of Mt. Carmel.

MasidoOi. (I Mach., ix, 2), prob. a common name meaning "the steps" — i.e. the steps of the caves of Arbella.

Masepha (Jos., xv, 38; Sephela): Tell es-Safiyeh, 7 m. N.W. of Beit Jibrin.

Mciscrephoth (Jos., xi, 8; xiii, 6). Unknown. Per- haps 'Ain Musherfi, on the Mediterranean shore, S. of Ris en-Nuqi'ira.

Maspha, Mnsphalh, 1. Of Benjamin: site much di.s-

Euted: Sha'fat, Nebt Samwil, El-Bireh, and Tell Na.s- eh, all N. of Jerusalem, have been proposed with more or less probability. — 2. Of Galaad: see Ramoth Galaad.— 3. Of Juda: prob. Tell es-Saflyeh. — 4. Of Moab (I Kings, xxxii, 3, 4). Unknown. Masphe. See Maspha of Galaad.

Masreca (Gen., xxxvi, 36; I Par., i, 47), N. of Idumea.

Matlhana. Station of the Israelites in their journey through Moab ; possibly Mechatta.

Meddin (Jos., xv, 61 ; wilderness of Juda). Unknown.

Medemena, 1 (Jos., xv, 31; S. Juda). Unknown. — 2 (Is., X, 31; Benjamin): Kh. el-Qarami, N. of Jerusalem.

Megiddo. See Mageddo.

Mejarcon (Jos., xix, 46; Dan), poss. the Nahr el- 'Aujeh, betw. Joppe and Arecon.

Melita, A.V. for Malta (q.v.).

Melothi (Judith, ii, 3, Vulg. only), perhaps Melitine of Cappadocia.

Memphis (q.v.).

Mennith (Judges, xi, 33). Onomasticon: at a short distance from Hesebon; poss. Umm el-Qendfid.

Mephaath (Jos., xiii, 18) : Nef a, S.S.E. of Amman.

Merala (Jos., xi, 19, Zabulon): prob. Ma'lul, S.W. of Nazareth.

Merom (Waters of). Lake Irluleh.

Meroz (Judges, v, 23): poss. El-MahrQneh, between Dothan and Kubatlyeh; or El-Mura?§as, near Beisan.

Merrha (Bar., iii, 23). Unknown. Perhaps we should read Madian.

Mesopotamia (q.v.).

Mesplie (Jos., xviii, 26), for Maspha of Benjamin.

Messa (Gen., x, 30), in Arabia. Unknown.

Messal (Jos., xix, 26). See Masai.

Methca (Num., xxxiii, 28), station of the Israelites in the journey from Sinai to Cades. Unknown.

Miletus (q.v.).

Misor (Jos., xxi, 36), not found in the Hebr. ; poss. a mistake.

Mitylene (Acts, xx, 14), in the island of Lesbos: Metelin.

Mochona (II Esd., xi, 28; Juda): Kh. el-Moqenna.

Modin, the birthplace of the Machabees ; generally admitted to be El-Medieh, E. of Lydda.

Molada (Jos., xv, 26; S. Juda), perh. Tell el-Milh, between Bersabee and the Dead Sea.

Moresheth Gath (Mich., i, 1, etc.), birthplace of Micheas, E. of Eleutheropolis. Unidentified.

Mortar (Soph., i, 11). See Machtesh.

Mosel (Ezech., xvii, 19). As such, not a proper name; should be understood: "from Uzal".

Mosera (Deut., x, 6). See Moseroth.

Moseroth (Num., xxxiii, 30), station of the Israel- ites in the journey from Cades to Asiongaber. Un- identified.

Mijndus (I Mach., xv, 23), a city in Caria, between Miletus and Halicarnassus.

Myra (Acts, xxvii, 5), not in the Vulg., but should be read instead of Lystra.

Naalol (Jos., xix, 15, etc.; Zabulon), prob. Ma'llll, E. of Nazareth.

Nuama, 1 (Jos., xv, 41; Sephela): perh. Na'ameh, S. of Lydda and E. of Jabneh. — 2 (Job, ii, 11); there was prob. a city of that name in Nabathea. Un- known.

Naaratha (Jos., xvi, 7; E. Ephraim), poss. Tell Tahtiini, N. of Jericho.

Naas (I Par., iv, 12; Juda), perh. Deir Nahds, N.E. of Beit Jibrin.

Naasson (Tob., i, 1), prob. Aser 2.

Nahaliel (Num., xxi, 19), station of the Israelites E. of the Dead Sea, near the Arnon. Wady Enkeile (? Robinson).

Nai7n (Luke, vii, 11): Natn, on the N.W. slope of the Jebel Dahy.

Naioth (I Kings, xix, 18, etc.), "in Ramatha". Otherwise imknown.

Nazareth (q.v.).

Neapolts (Acts, xvi, 11 ; xx, 6), a city in Macedonia* Ka valla.

Neballal (II Esd., xi, 34): Beit Nebala, N. of Lydda.