Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 7.djvu/15

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MaoAULEY, PATRICK J., Belfast, Ireland; Hatton, Edward Anthony; Heortology; Ibague, Diocese of.

McCarthy, FELIX D., Cakbonear, Newfound- land: Harbor Grace, Diocese of .

McCORMACK, MARY BELINDA, R.S.H., Convent OF THE Sacred Heart, Omaha, Nebraska: Hardey, Mary Aloysia.

MacERLEAN, ANDREW A., New York: Hooke, Luke Joseph; Hospitius, Saint.

McFAUL, JAMES AUGUSTINE, S.T.D., LL.D., Bishop of Trenton, New Jersey: Hibernians, Ancient Order of.

McMAHON, ARTHUR L., O.P., S.T.L., General AND Superior, California Province, San Francisco: Henry Suso; Henten, John; Holy Sepulchre.

MACPHERSON, EWAN, New York: Guiana; Hun- ter, Sylvester Joseph.

MAERE, R., S.T.D., Professor of Christian Ar- cheology, University of Louvain: IHS.

MAGNIER, JOHN, C.SS.R., Rome: Holy Family, Archconfraternity of the.

MAKER, MICHAEL, S.J., Litt.D., M.A. (London), Director of Studies and Professor of Peda- gogics, Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England: Happiness; Harper, Thomas Morton; Herbart and Herbartianism ; Idea; Individual, Individuality.

MAHONY, JOHN MATHEW, S.T.B., J.C.B., Dean of the Diocese of H.wulton, Ontario: Ham- ilton, Diocese of.

MARING, JOHANNES, Ph.D., Hanover, Ger- many: Hildesheim, Diocese of.

MARIQUE, PIERRE JOSEPH, Instructor in French, College of the City op New York: Guilds (In Flanders, France, Germany, Italy); Haur^au, Jean-Barth^lemy.



New York: Holy Cross, Sisters Marianites of.

MARY OF ST. PETER, MOTHER, Convent of the Holy Child, Sharon Hill, Pennsylvania: Holy Child Jesus, Society of the.

MEEHAN, ANDREW B., S.T.D., J.U.D., Professor OF C.vnon Law and Liturgy', St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, New York: Indult.

MEEHAN, THOMAS F., New York: Gulf of St. Lawrence, Vicariate Apostolic of; Hardee, Wil- liam J.; Harney, William Selby; Harney, John Milton; Harrisburg, Diocese of; Hassard, John Rose Green; Ileeney, Cornelius; Helena, Diocese of; Indianapolis, Diocese of.

MEISTER, FRANZ, Freiburg, Germany: Herder.

MEISTERMANN, BARNABAS, O.S.F., Lector, Convent of St. Salvator, Jerusalem: Hacel- dama.

MERSHMAN, FRANCIS, O.S.B., S.T.D., Professor OF MoR.\L Theology-, Canon Law, and Liturgy', St. John's University, Collegeville, Minne- sota: Gregory of Utrecht, Saint; Gugler, Joseph Heinrich Aloysius; Helen of Skofde, Saint; Her- mann Joseph, Blessed; Hildegard, Saint; Hi- merius ; Hittorp, Melchior ; Holzhauser, Bar- tholomew ; Hugh of Fleury; Hyacinth, Saint; Hyacintha Mariscotti, Saint.

MOELLER, CH., Professor of General History, University of Louv.ain: Holy Ghost, Order of the; Holy Sepulchre, Knights of the; Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem.

MOONEY, JAMES, United States Ethnologist, Bureau of A.merican Ethnology, Washing- ton: Guaicuri Indians; Guarani Indians; Hopi Indians; Illinois Indians; Indians, American.

MORICE, A. G., O.M.I., Winnipeg, Manitoba, CaiNada: Hare Indians.

MORRISROE, PATRICK, Dean and Professor of Liturgy, St. Patrick's College, Ma\-nooth, Irel.\^nd: Holy Communion; Imposition of Hands; Improperia; Incense.

MOUGEL, AMBROSE, O.Cart., St. Hugh's Char- terhouse, Parkminster, England: Henry (Egher) of Kalkar.

MUNNYNCK, MARK P. DE, S.T.D., Professor of Philosophy, University of Fribourg: Imagi- nation.

MURPHY, JOHN F. X., S.J., Woodstock College, Maryland: Guthlac, Saint.

MURPHY, JOHN T., C.S.Sp., Provincial of the Fathers op the Holy Ghost, Cornwells, Pennsylvania: Holy Ghost, Congregation of the.

MYERS, EDWARD, M.A. (C.4.ntab.), Professor of Dogmatic Theology and Pathology, St. Ed- mund's College, Ware, Engl.\nd: Hosius of Cordova; Hugh of St. Victor.

NAINFA, JOHN ABEL, S.S., S.T.L., Professor op Church History and Liturgy, St. M.vry's Sem- inary', Baltimore: Henrion, Mathieu-Richard-


OBRECHT, EDMOND M., O.C.R., Abbot of Geth- SEMANI Abbey, Kentucky: Henrlquez, Crisos- tomo.

O'CONNOR, JOHN B., O.P., Associate Editor, '•The Rosary Magazine", Somerset, Ohio: Ignatius of Antioch, Saint; Ignatius of Constan- tinople, Saint.

ODENBACH, FREDERICK L., S.J., Director op Meteorological and Seismic Observatory, St. Ignatius College, Cleveland, Ohio: Hengler, Lawrence.

O'DONOGHUE, D. J., Vice-president, National Literary Society op Ireland, Dublin: Hus-

sey, Thomas.