Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 8.djvu/15

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CONTRIBUTORS TO THE EIGHTH VOLUME LOUGHLIN, Mgr. JAMES F., S.T.D., Philadel- phia: Infralapsarians. LOYOLA, MOTHER MARY, St. Mary's Convent, York, England: Institute of Mary. MAAS, A. J., S.J., Rector, Woodstock College, Maryland: Jehovah; Jesus Christ; Kenosis; Knowledge of Jesus Christ; Labbe, Philippe. MacAULEY, PATRICK J., Belfast, Irel. d: Jeremias (8); John of Beverley, Saint; Kimber- ley (Australia), Vicariate Apostolic of; Konig, Joseph; Langley, Richard; Laos, Vicariate Apos- tolic of. McCLOSKEY, JAMES P., Iloilo, Philippine Is- lands: Jaro, Diocese of. MacERLEAN, ANDREW A., New York: Ives, Saint; Knight, William, Venerable. McHUGH, JOHN AMBROSE, O.P., S.T.L., Lec- tor of Philosophy, Dominican House of Studies, Washington: James of Brescia; Judg- ment, Divine. MacNEILL, CHARLES, Dublin: Irish Confessors and Martyrs; Kenraghty, Maurice. MAHER, MICHAEL, S.J., Litt.D., M.A. (London), Director of Studies and Professor of Peda- gogics, Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England: Intellect; Interest. MANN, HORACE K., Headmaster, St. Cuthbert's Grammar School, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng- land: John II, John III, John IV, John V, John VI, John VII, John VIII, John IX, Popes; Lando, Pope. MARIQUE, PIERRE JOSEPH, Instructor in French, College of the City- of New York: Kervyn de Lettenhove, Joscph-Marie-Bruno- Constantin; La Fayette, Marie-Madeleine-Pioche de La Vergne. MARKEVYC, JOSAPHAT J., C.S.B., Innsbruck, Austria: Josaphat KuncevyS, Saint. MARY de SALES, SISTER, M.H.S.H., Baltimore, Maryland: Institute of Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart. MARY GERTRUDE, SISTER, Loretto College, Dublin: Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Irish. MEEHAN, ANDREW B., S.T.D., J.U.D., Profes- sor of Canon Law and Liturgy, St. Ber- nard's Seminary, Rochester, New York: Inquisition, Canonical; Jus Spolii. MEEHAN, JOSEPH, C.C, Mullagh, Co. C.ivan, Ireland: Kilmore, Diocese of. MEEHAN, THOMAS F., New York: Irene, Sister; Irish (In Australia; In South America) ; Ives, Levi Silliman; Johnston, Richard Malcolm; Kansas City, Diocese of; Keyes, Erasmus Darwin; Kohl- mann, Anthony; Kosciuszko; La Crosse, Diocese of. MEISTERMANN, BARNBAS, O.S.F., Lector, Convent of S. Salvator, Jerusale.m: Jerusa- lem (I. Before a. d. 71). MERSHMAN, FRANCIS, O.S.B., S.T.D., Profes- sor op Moral Theology, Canon Law, and Liturgy, St. John's University", College- ville, Minnesota: Innocent II, Pope; Jerome Emiliani, Saint; John Baptist de Rossi, Saint; John Cornelius and Companions, Venerables; John of Sahagun, Saint; John Sarkander; John the Silent, Saint; Joseph Calasanctius, Saint; Joseph of Cupertino, Saint; Juliana of Liege, Saint. MONTANAR, VALENTINE HILARY, Mission- ary Apostolic, New York: Kan-su, Prefecture Apostolic of Southern; Kan-su, Vicariate Apos- tolic of Northern; Kiang-nan, Vicariate Apos- tolic of; Kiang-si, Vicariates Apostolic of Eastern, Northern, and Southern; Kwang-si, Prefecture Apostolic of; Kwang-tung, Prefecture Apostolic of; Kwei-chou, Vicariate Apostolic of. MOONEY, JAMES, United States Ethnologist, Bureau of American Ethnology-, Washing- ton: Iroquois; Isletta Pueblo; Jemez Pueblo; Jibaro Indians; Kalisjiel Indians; Kaskaskia In- dians; Kickapoo Indians; Kiowa Indians; Ku- tenai Indians; Lake Indians. MULLANY, JOHN I., Dubuque, Iowa: Iowa. MULLER, ADOLF, S.J., Director op the Private Astronomical Observatory on the Janicu- LUM, Professor op Astronomy, Gregorian University, Rome: Joannes de Sacrobosco; ICircher, Athanasius. OBRECHT, EDMOND M., O.C.R., Abbot of Geth- semani Abbey', Kentucky': Janauschek, Leo- pold; Langheim. O'CONNOR, DENIS, Kill.vrney, Ireland: Kerry and Aghadoe, Diocese of. O'CONNOR, D. MONCRIEFF, Manchester, Eng- l.ind: Irish (In Great Britain). O'CONNOR, JOHN B., O.P., St. Dominic's Priory, San Francisco, California: Isidore of Seville, Saint; John Damascene, Saint. O'DANIEL, VICTOR F., O.P., S.T.M., Professor OF Dogmatic Theology, Dominican House of Studies, Washington: John of Genoa; John of Montesono; John of Paris; John of Saint Thomas. O'LEARY, EDWARD, M.R.I.A., Portarlington, Ireland: Kildare and Lcighlin, Diocese of. OLIGER, LIVARIUS, O.F.M., Lector of Church History', Collegio S. Antonio, Rome: Jaco- pone da Todi ; James of the Marches, Saint ; John of Parma, Blessed. O'RIORDAN, Mgr. MICHAEL, Ph.D., S.T.D., D.C.L., Rector of the Irish College, Rome: Irish College, in Rome.