Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 9.djvu/17

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pfiREZ GOTENA ANTONIO, 8-T., Edtiob, " Raz6t ROMPEL, JOSEPH HEINRICH, SJ., Ph.D., Sikxul

T Fk", Madbid: Maldonado, Juan; Martfn y Matutina College, FEmfiSmcH, Austria: La-

Garda, Luis. treille, Pierre- Andr^; Loeeen, ELarl August;

pfiTRIDfis, 90PHR0NE, A. A., Professor, Greek MaUard, Emest-Frangoig.

^Cathouo iSEMiNART, Kadi-Keui, Coxstanti- ROTH, LEANDER M., MAinnEvnuE, LoxnsiANA:

NOPLE: Laranda; Lebedus; Lete; Leuce; Limyra, Lorsh Abbey.

Liiioe;Loryma;Lyrbe;Lyaia8;Macri;Mactaris^, RYAN, JOHN A., 8.T.D., Peofbbsob op Moral

Madaurua; Magydus; Mallus; Marciane. Theoloot, St. Paul Seminary, &r. Paul,

PBttLBIN, EUGENE A., Regent op the Univer- Minnesota: Marriage, History of.

srrr op the State of New York, New Yor^': saCHBR, HERMANN, Ph.D., Editor op thi

^^^ " Konversationslexikon ", Assistant Kihtob

POLLEN, JOHN HL^GBREORD, S. J., London : of the " Staatslexikon op the Gorresgesell-

Martinov, John; Mary Queen of Scots (Mary schapt", Freiburg-im-Breibgau, Germany:

Stuart). Lippe.

PONCELET, ALBERT, S. J., Brussels : Leonard of S AGMULLER, JOHANNES BAPTIST, PRonssoi Limousin, Saint. ' of Theology, University of Tubingen: Lay

POPE, HUGH, 0.P., S.T.L., Doctor op Sacred Tithes; Letters, Ecclesiastical; Ligamen.

Scripture, Professor op New-Testament SALEMBIER, LOUIS, S.T.D.., Professor 'or Exegesis, Collegio Angelico, Rome: Maledic- Chl^rch History, University of Lille: Mar- tion (in Scripture) ;* Mammon; Martha, Saint; silius of Padua.

Martianay; Mary, the name of several personages ^^^1, AXGELO DE, SJT., Rome: Litany of Loreto; in the N. T. ; Mary, The Name of, in Scripture Liturgical Chant.

. and in Catholic use; Mary Magdalen, Saint. „^.^^^„^^ r«r*r>,l.^ ^ « om^ «<^

SCANNELL, THOMAS B., Canon, S.T.D., Wey-

POULAIN, AUOUSTIN, 6. J., Paris: Louis-Marie bridge, England: Latria.

Grignion de Montfort, Blessed; Marriage, Mys- gcHAEFER, FRANCIS J., ®.TJ)., Ph.D., Profm-

^ soR OP Chl'rch History, St. Paxtl Seminary,

POWER, ALICE, R.S.H., Convent op the Sacred St. Paltt, Minnesota: Law, Civil, Influence of

Heart, Kenwood, Albany, New York: La- the church on; Madruzzi, Christopher.

taste. Mane. SCHEID, NICHOLAS, S.J., Stella Matutina Col-

PRESTAGE, EDGAR, B.A. (Oxon.) ; Commenda- lege, Feldkirch, Austria: Latin Literature,

DOR, Portuguese Order op S. Thtago; Cor- II, Sixth to Twentieth Century.

responding Memheb op the Lisbon Royal schlaGER, HEINT^ICH PATRICIUS, O.F.M., St.

Academy op Sciences and Lisbon Geooraphi- ludwio^s College, Dalheim, Germany: Lupus

CAL Society, Manchester, England: Macedo, ^^y^j^)^ Christian; Ltitolf, Aloys; Maassen,

Jose Agostmho de. "Friedrich Bernard Christian ; Marius Aventicus;

QL^NN, iSTANLEY J., New York: Line, Mrs. Anne. Mart^ne, Edmond; Martin, Konrad.

RANDOLPH, REGINA, Baltimore, Maryland: SCHROEDER, JOSEPH, O.P., Dominican Housb Margaret Haughery. ^^ Studies, Washington: Lemos, Thomas de;

^ Loaisa, Garcia; Marini (de Marinis).

REILLY, THOMAS A KEMPIS, O.P., Dominican ' ^^

House op Studies, Washington: Mariales, S^^^^^^™' J^^^^"', S.T.D., Jefferson City, Mis- Xantea. souri: Marriage, Moral and Canonical Aspect of.

SHIPMAN, ANDREW J., M.A., LL.M., New York: Lutzk, Zhitomir, and Kamenetz, Diocese of.

REINHOLD, GRBGOR, Freiburo-im-Breisgau, Germany: Lausanne and Geneva, Diocese of; Lieber Moriz. SHORTER, JOSEPH A., Leavenworth, Kansas:

Leavenworth, Diocese of.

REMY, ARTHUR F. J., M.A., Ph.D.. Adjunct- Professor OP Germanic Philology, Columbia SILVA, PAOLO, S.J., S.T.D., Rome: Lombardy.

University. New York: Lassberg, Baron SLATER, T., S.J., St. Beuno's College, St. Asaph, Joseph Maria Christoph von; I^^nda, Literary Wales: Law, Divine, Moral Aspect of; Lottery; and Profane; Maelrant, Jacob van. Lying; Malone, William.

REZEK, ANTOINE IVAN, Houchtox, Michigan: SMITH, IGNATIUS, O.P., Dominican House op Marquette, Dio<!e8e of. Studies, Washington : Leonard of Chios.

ROBINSON, PASCHAL, O.F.M., Franciscan Mon- SMITH, SYDNEY P., S.J., London: Low Church.

ASTERY, Washington: I^, Brother. ^^^^^ WALTER GEORGE, M. A., LLB. (Univer-

ROCK, P. M. J., LouisvnxE, Kentucky: Louisville, sity of Pennsylvania), Philadelphia, Penn-

Diocese of. sylvania: Law, International; Marriage, CiviL
