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of wax. He ascribes the aame words protniseuously mann), were isaued the nine celebrated caricatures of

now to this, now to that friend or^emj'" (Hauar»th, Ibe pope by Lucae Cranach, with eipowtory verses hg

op.cit., 11,432). Luther. These "the coarsest drswings that the hi»-

It was this period that gave birth Ut the incredi- tory of caricature of all times has ewr produced"

bilities, exaggerations, diBton ions, contradictions, in- (Lange, "Der Papstesel", Gitttingen, 1891, 89), were

consistencies, that moke his later writing an inextri- soinexpressibl^vilethatacommonimpulseof decency

cable w^b to untangle and for three hundred years dem&nded their sununaiy suppression by his friends, have supplied uncritical historiography with the His last act was, as he predicted and prated for, an

cork-and-bull fables which unfortunately have been attack on the papacy. Summoned to Eisleben, his

accepted on their face vaJue (Idem, op. cit., II, native place, a short time after, to act as an arbiter in

430-449). Again the dire results of the Heformation a contention between the brothers Aibtecht and Geb-

causedblm"unspeakableBolicitudeand grief". The hard von Monsfeld, death came with unexpected

sober contemplation of the incurable inner wounds of speed, but not suddenly, and he depBrt«d tliis lifs

the new Church, the ceaseless quarrels of the preachers, aitout three o'clock in the morning ISFebruary. 1546,

thegallingdespotismof the Unnporal rulers, the ^w- in the presence of a njimber of friends ('Paulus,

ingcontemptfortheclergy, theservilitytothepnnces, "Luthers Lebensende", Freiburg, 1899, 96). Tl»

Dude him fairly writhe in an^ish. Above all the dis- body was taken to Wittenberg for mterment, and was

integration of moral and social Ufe, the epidemic raV- buned on tl^ 22 Feb., in the castle church, where

ages of vice and immorality, and that in the very it now lies with that of Melanchthon. cndle of the Reformation, even in his very household in Uiu uticls th« dutlou an nuinly from Frotcstut

(Kostlin-Kawerau, op. cit,, II, 595), nearly drove him suthoiitiea. C»tholic»uUKiritiB«iireindic«t(idbyan««l«tiik.»

frantic. '■ We live in Sodom and Babylon, affairs are ,^t""(n'iS°X^^aa™lslS'«'tX°'^^^^

growing daily worse", is his lament (De Wette, op. oadTLatio; li) Jt^fid. (ISSS^lsaS), lafol. vols'.; SGenuin.

cit,, V, 722), In the whole Wittenberg district, with 4Lntin a-upulemenWry vola,(Eiileb«i.lSM-lS65): (3).4«™-

its two cities and fifteen pamehial village,, he can find ^JriS^^fri'i^l^iSl; A'^&tmT^E4%'?^

only one peasant and not more, who exhorts his i7ss>, 3* quBrto toIb,, tr. into Gennwi, edited, und pul)lisliid

domestics to the Word of God and the catechism, the byj, G. Walch. a reprint olUii* edition, in oouncotpubii™-

"Tagchuch", 113, 114, 135; *rWllmger, "Die Refor- iota, in Germttni Opera atatticalMim. 31 vol..; Opera latina

mation", I, 293-438). Twice be was on the verge of tarii ormmmtt, 7 voi». Thu aeries inciudwEHoEiui, Br. JKai^

deserting this "'Sodom", having commiseioneJ his 'l^jd^^.'^^y^^^t^x'-y^^T'^i^'S^f^-/ --'■'•"

wife {28 July, 1545) to seU all their effects (De Wette, ^ 1SS3- in ™ '"^ ■' '

op. cit., V, 753). It required the combined efforts of vol. XXXVI.

the university, Bugenhogen, Melanchthon, and the .hJIJ:^^L ^'n^SS^ f'^^iin'S-Rot^; ^"fu* r^-£i

, 1 I r \y^ L 1.- - J /T^.._.i- bmaathfriAm u. Hatenkm (uerlin. laJ5-6aJ, vols.: Uuni-

burgomoster to make mm change bis nund (Koetlin~ baudt. L^heri Bnefaaht^ (Leipiii, ISae). [(aweraii, op. cit., II, 607). And again in December, TABi.ET.u[;Z.KtA*r'»7'ail«raltinIm.£-<»i.flft,(100ai,l-18,

only the powerful intervention ot the elector prevented i" '^"S'?"?' jS^?Fi'w^"T'Sii 'V^J^"!'; ik^T

him carrj-iHK out his design (Burkhardt, "Luthera tort. 1587. 1568. 15«i):F0BBTEi«ANHiuid BiNDBtii,.Ti«Ji™fcB,

Briefwcchsel",475-476;482). Then again came those ew. (Betlm. l»44-184a). 4 vols,: Latin tr. (Lem^, 1S«3-

„ul.lorturi„B™ult.olth.D.«l which H. "no KVblSSi.uf (S.-iS?); &.tS;±S-afi5;

rest for even a single day . His nightly encountera [Qotha. 1^2); Kbokkh. Uahtn Tiichrtden (LeipiiH, 1903),

"exhausted and martyred him to an intensity, that he «*' Mathaiua; WomiBicB. Taorbuch us3s> (Dreeden,

was barely able to gasp or take breath". Of all the {fjo 'a^.^h' amrthtaSSi^tSl^ "'"" a33aults"none were more severe or greater than about Broompni: ThobicgraphiMOf MatAHCHTHOH.MATHEains,

my preaching, the thought coming to me; All this R*TTEBiHQBH.Ki)it,Ucii:RT,aFi™iirT,I.iDr>KRHoacjPnzBn,

confusion was caused by you" (Sftmmtl. W., LIX, ^,i?i*"%h,E^'"ri..i^i^™;il!^'*^^/™'h!^lnv h?^

f^r.a TV AS ao tr.o iru\ «ii rt¥T ArvA\ r^-' pToLong the UBt. have been aupeneded, and can hardly be ao-

296; LX, 45-46; 108-109, 111; LXII, 494). His cepted on their ungupported atatfuneota The more mixtani

last sermon in Wittenberg (17 Jan., 1546) is in a vein biograpliiea ot Koloe, Morfin LiMtr (Gotha. 1884-1893), 2

nt rlHTinnilsncv nnrl Hnanair "TTmin/ Hmnlronni™* vol*.; the last edition ot KaarUN, MOrtin Luarr.atin Lrbm H.

oi tiesponaency ana aespair. usury, arunitennew, ,„.„, sdiriften tBeriin. 1903)^2 ™ia., edited by K^naKAD;

adultery, murder, assassination, oil these can be Haobhath, LiOhert Libtn (BerUn. 19CM), 2 voLa.. sro Uw

noticed, and the world understands them to be sins, axmt importoot. The Kfiatlin-Kawerau li/e is miperbiy docu-

but the devil's bride, reason, that pert prostitute SrtW«i%^wh iD^.™r»™S^^tht?'prtS

struts in, and will be clever and means what she says, imtortiinately ia d«titul« of all ctlationi The norka ol (ba

that it is the Holy Ghost" (op. cit., XVI, 142-148). Tiibin«en profwmr TBOoionxPH, Die Relnrmatim lsn-ISS7

Thn soTiiD itav )id nona tho nBthotir Unoa "T am nlil (LeipiU, 1907-1909}, 2 voU., oC BtMat, Andrnu Bodemlrm toit

ine same aayne pens the patiieiic anes i am old, ^„Y^ {, 190S). 2 vols,, and the Uitar'a FrtApn-

decrepit, indolent, weoir, cold, and now have the latoHliidia GmtvuiiehTtlmtim in WiUenbtn, <,. OHanamU

sight of but one eye" (De Wette, op. cit., V, 778), tLep'ia. 19l»). are indiipoiuble in the Tisht ot recent »■

Nevertheless peace was not his. '^T^i JPv ^h^*". ^1i„T«H",?1'?v^if^JiSfl?-,i^

■r. ..r ■ .1 ■ r i_ J I * ^ p '8 dpcidediy the b»t. Unfottunately it mmauu an uncDm'

It was while in this agony of body and torture of pleted fragment, and only reacha lSi2i Lihobai. LvlJitr and

mind, that his unsurpassable and irreproducible coarse- ^ Grmnan ntlomtainm CSev York. 1900). ia Bophomorio and

ness attained its culrninating point of virtuosity in his S™^([S:ov..Sm-.^'5 X^rXZhR.,"^Vj^

antl-SemitlC and untipapal pamphlets. Against the UnL^aher [London. 1887). 2 vols,, a a briUianl literary parfonu-

Jews and their Lies" was followed in quick succession luwe, but Kbtoncallj- o( no acoounl; Jacobs. Mnrtm hvlKir,

by Us even more frenzied fusillade 'l On the Schem J^uTent"^^ ^™ "tte° cS^V'^^tiSd'^T'^'o^l^SE

Hamphoras" (1542) and "Against the Papacy estab- •ULKHBBRo,'"EvBiiB,etc.,thDmh iiseful in part, ean hnidlyb*

iished by the Devil" (1545), Here, especiallv in the '■a-lied tme biographiea. However, no butter life ot Luthw

Utto ,11 coherent th™ht and uttjr.n« i, lmri«l in a SiU"«'rFS.S"SB,.r SiirSjiS'!?'^

torrential deluge of vituperation for which no pen, loruaj ikt Grnrvm Pcoplt (St. Loub, 1898—1, The portrai-

muchlesBaprintingpressshouldhaveeverbecnfound" 'n™ "f iwuin aapecu and jjerioda of Ludier • lite by •Dan-

(Menvpl nr. fit II '1^91 HijimnBtnrv in hia rhnnrn rLC. Lfillicr u. L-ulAertti%m (Maim, lB04),n. ed. Wriss (Mnlni,

tiuennel, op. cit., ii,.i&ii). MiBmastepr n his ohowiii igoj-iooo; mipplementwV vol.'ll, • Waisa (Main., 1909):

method of controversy remamed unchallenged. His ' UBsiTi.t. Du abtmilandudim SiAriliatuUgrrUt Lvihrr ai^r

friends had "a feeling d sorrow. His scolding re- Jutiitia Dei md JutHfitalio (Maim, 1905); losii. LiUifr, in

mainrf "J.™er«l, but .I.0 ™no.i«d" (Ruk., op. SSS!lSfc;S,$Si&aSa.iSS;,iS

Cit., II, 421). Accompanying this last volcamc enip- iboo); •DOLUNOsa. Dw aifannalion (R«li.bon, 184«-ia4a) 3

tion, as a sort of illustrated commentary "that the vola., alill remairu an unanaweiwl and unaniwamble arraien-

nnixmnn mon nrhn ID iiTialilli tn mirl mow aiui on.) meUt of Lulherand hia WOflt. The dataphfid ar*'-!— "' •"■■—"-

common man wno is uname to reaa, may see and ^^^ Paui,d«, piobabiv th. n.«t mnmtt^nt ■

understand what he thought oi the papacy (FOrsI^- Ketonnatlon tdstoiii