Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 9.djvu/649

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Dominican Fathers. Like their eompaoiona in mis- gionary laboura, the Dominicana extended their eeal- oua work in numcroua provinces of the islands, founding towns, establishing parishes, buildine mag- nificent churches, opening schools, and publishing books in the native dialects.

The Recollect Fathers were first established in the archdiocese in 1600. Besides their work in Manila, where they have two large churches, the RecoUeets have converted the tribes in Mariveles and Zambalea. Their apostolic laboiiis have been extended to the islands of MIndoro, Tablas, Masbate, Burias, Ticao, ParagUB, the Calamianes, Ff^ros, and Hindonao. lie Lazarist fathers came t« Manila in 1862tocar«for the diocesan seminaries in the Philippines. Since the American occupation the seminaries of the archdio- cese have been under the di- rection of the Jesuit fathers. but the Lazarists continue in charge of the diocesan semi- naries of Cebu, Jaro (Iloilo), and Nueva Caceres. The Capuchin fathers arc in charge of two churches at Manila. They came to the Philippines in 1886 to assume charge of the missions in the Caroline and Palaos Islands. The fa- thers of the Order of St. Bene- dict were first established in ManiU in!895. In 1901 they founded the college of San Beda, which has an attendance of about 400 students.

A community of cloistered Franciscan nuns waH estab- liahed at Manila in 1621. The tisters, Spaniards, mesticas, and natives, occupy the con- vent of Santa Clara, Manila. In 1694 Ignacia del Espiritu Santo founded the ConBrega- tion of the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin. The members are all natives. They conduct a school, to which is attached a home forced women. A large number of them are engaged in teaching in various mission Btfttions of Mindanao. The sisters of St. Dominic opened their con vent at ManilainiegS. They conduct the College of Santa Catalina. The Sisters of Santa Rita date their origin from 1730, They have chaise of the Santa Rita Academy. The Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul are in charge of the Colleges of Santa Isabel, of Concordia, and of Santa Rosa; of the Hospicio de Han Jos^, of the Hospital of San Juan de Dios, of the School and Orphan Asylum of St. Vincent de Paul (Looban), all at Manila. They entered the archdio- cese in 1862. The establishment of the Sisters of the Assumption at Manila was made in 1892. The sisterB are in charge of a collego for young ladies and a free school for the poor. The Augustinian Sistera are native nuns who conduct the Academy of Our Lady of Consolation. The Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres were established at Manila in 1904. Besides their hospital work and a large school of native nurses in the city, they have charge of several academies in the provinces. The Benedictine Sisters came to the isl- ands from Germany In 1906. They established the college of St. Scholastica, and have organized in their chapel the devotion of the Perpetual Adoration.

Charitable iNSTiTnnoNB. — The Hospital of San Juan de Dios, situated in the Walled City of Manila, was Ibunded in 1596 by the Confrat«niity of Santa


the miBBioaary w

Misericordia. In 1666 it passed into the hands of thb OrderofSt. JohnofGod, andin 1886 it was put under the care of the Sisters of Charity, who still conduct the

institution. The hospital was twice destroyed by earthquake, and was severely damaged by the storm of 1S32. The generosity of the pious people, espe- cially of the governor-general and of the arcnbishops, restored it; the building waa enlarged and now occu- pies a large city square. The patients, the majority of whom are Filipinos, number netween four hundred and five hundred, a fourth of whom are charitypa- tients, supported by the hospital, St. Paul's Hos- pital, at present the best equipped hospital in the Far East, was founded by Archbishop Harty in 1905. It is under the care of the Sisters of St. Paul de Char- tres. There are about 200 patients. The Hoepido de San Joef is situated on an island in the Pasig River, ad-

Scent to the Ayala Bridge, anila. It was founded in 1806, and is under the care of the Sisters of Charity. It con- tains an orphan asylum for boys and girls, a home for the aged, a foundling asylum, an insane asylum tor men and women, a reform school for youthful prisoners sentenced by the courts, and a depart- ment for female prisoners with children under two years of age. There are about 600 inmates in this institution, which is supported by gov- ernment appropriation and by donations ot the charitable. A native woman who became a L ^ Sister of Charity, gave her

' home and property for the

founding of the Asylum of St. Vincent de Paul, which is con- ducted by that congr^ation. It contains an orph^ asylum for girls and an academy for extern students. The asylum is supported by charitable donations and by the sale of embroidery made by the in- mates. The College of Santa Isabel was founded in 1632 for the education of Spanish or- phan girls. It was supported until 1640 by the Confrater- nity of Mercy. In 1861 the College of Santa Poten- ciana was combined with that of Santa Isabel. At present the institution, besides providing for or- phans, conducts a boarding- and day-school, llie Monte de Piedad is a charitable pawnbroking eetab-

Money is loaned annum. (The ly 5 per cent

is allowed on all de-

lishment which was opened ii to the poor at the rate of 6 p>er c< rate in Manila for small loans is

Kr month, and a much highern terest at 4 per cent per annui posits. The Archbishop of Manila is the President of the Board of Directors of the Monte de Piedad. There are about 2000 students in Manila who have come from the provinces to attend the advanced classes of the government schools. To protect these

taiy influence of home, to provide them, also, with the religious instruction of which they are deprived in the government schools, Archbishop Harty established in 1906 a dormitory for boys, and in 1909 one tor girla. Board and lodgmg are furnished in theee eetaQiah- ments at from S7.50 to S9.00 a month.

U. 8. Bubbau or InnTLAR AiTAiitB. Official nanibaak: Dt-