By Thy mother's fond embrace,
By her joy to see Thy face,
When, all bright in radiant bloom,
Thee she welcom'd from the tomb,—
King of glory, &c.
By the joy of Magdalen,
When she saw Thee once again,
And entranc'd in rapture sweet.
Knelt to kiss Thy sacred feet,—
King of glory, &c.
By their joy who greeted Thee
'Mid the hills of Galilee;
By Thy keys of might divine,
Vested in St. Peter's line,—
King of glory, &c.
By Thy parting blessing giv'n
As Thou didst ascend to heav'n;
By the cloud of living light
That receiv'd Thee out of sight,—
King of glory, &c.
34. May Jesus Christ be praised.
When morning gilds the skies,
My heart awaking cries,
May Jesus Christ be prais'd!
Alike at work and prayer,
To Jesns I repair:
May Jesus Christ be prais'd