Page:Catholicism in Queensland.djvu/14

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of Dr. Ullathorne to have a Catholic priest gent there. The Dr. 's return to the Colony. Antagonism aroused by his drastic remarks upon transportation. Called the "Agitator" General. Father Therry removed to Van Dieman's Land. Change of Dr. Ullathorne's field of missionary labours. His death.


The period embraced by the Episcopate of the Rev. John Bede Folding, O.S.B.., first Bishop of Australia. Position of affairs at the time of his arrival. Deep feeling existing against Catholics. His birth and previous career. Calls public attention to the want of priests in the Colony. Catholic population more than 25,000. Areas of New South Wales and Van Dieman 's Land. Sailed from Liver- pool with, nine priests. Delight of Catholics on hearing of the appointment of a Bishop for Australia. Petition presented to Governor Bourke asking assignment of a becoming salary to the new Bishop — Prayer of the petition granted. Protestant feeling opposed to Governor's action. Accusations made against him because of his action. Land- ing of Dr. Folding at Hobart Town. Remained a month. Rev. Father Cotham, O.S.B., stayed at Hobart to assist resident priest. School teacher appointed. Dr. Folding reaches Sydney. Installed in St. Mary's. Division of territory among the priests for duty. Dr. Folding receives permission to personally visit newly arrived convicts — Number which passed through his hands. His good influence recognised by the Government officials. Governor Bourke recalled. Feeling of Catholics towards him. Bitterness displayed by Protestant Bishop. His proclamation anent Bishop Polding. Denied the right of the Governor to receive Bishop Folding at Official levees. His successor Dr. Barker. Uncharitable vapourings. Home Government declared Dr. Broughton's stand to be unfounded and untenable. Unkind remarks of the "Government Gazette" on arrival of eight new priests. Judge Willis expressions. Resolution passed to exclude Irish Catholics from participating in the general benefit of the, land fund for immigration.' First Communion in Australia. Dr. Folding and others sail for Europe. Presented with a purse of sovereigns. Visited Rome and received the, Sacred Pallium as Archbishop, &c. Appointment of Suffragan Bishops. Returned to Sydney with large ecclesi- astical party. Comments upon Dr. Polding's life. Ap- pointment of the Most Rev. Roger Bede Vaughan, O.S.B. as Coadjutor Archbishop — His consecration by Cardinal Man- ning. Death of Dr. Polding.


Arrival, of Passionist Fathers. Territory allotted to them in Moreton Bay. Visit of Archbishop Folding and Father Snell to Brisbane. First baptisms in Queensland. His welcome. Money subscribed for Church aid. Labours of the missionaries. Religious beliefs of the Aboriginals. Failure of the mission and the causes. Departure of the missionaries from Queensland. The Rev. Duncan McNab essays the task of teaching the blacks. Meeting with