Page:Cato, a tragedy (Addison, 1712).djvu/24

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Mar.I shou'd be griev'd, young Prince, to think my presence
Unbent your thoughts, and slacken'd 'em to arms,
While warm with slaughter, our victorious foe
Threatens aloud, and calls you to the field.
Jub.O Marcia, let me hope thy kind concerns
And gentle wishes follow me to battle!
The thought will give new vigour to my arm,
And strength and weight to my descending sword,
And drive it in a tempest on the foe.
Mar.My pray'rs and wishes always shall attend
The friends of Rome, the glorious cause of virtue,
And men approv'd of by the gods and Cato.
Jub.That Juba may deserve thy pious cares,
I'll gaze for ever on thy godlike father,
Transplanting one by one, into my life
His bright perfections, 'till I shine like him.
Mar.My father never at a time like this
Wou'd lay out his great soul in words, and waste
Such precious moments.
Jub.Thy reproofs are just,
Thou virtuous maid; I'll hasten to my troops,
And fire their languid souls with Cato's virtue.
If e'er I lead them to the field, when all
The war shall stand rang'd in its just array,
And dreadful pomp: Then will I think on thee!
O lovely maid, then will I think on thee!
And in the shock of charging hosts, remember
What glorious deeds shou'd grace the man, who hopes
For Marcia's love.[Exit.


Lucia, Marcia.
Luc.Marcia, you're too severe:
How cou'd you chide the young good-natur'd Prince,
And drive him from you with so stern an air,
A Prince that loves and dotes on you to death?
Mar.'Tis therefore, Lucia, that I chide him from me.
His air, his voice, his looks, and honest soul
Speak all so movingly in his behalf
I dare not trust myself to hear him talk.
