Page:Celtic Stories by Edward Thomas.djvu/110

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salmon until they came unto the wall of the prison, and they heard a great wailing and lamenting from the dungeon. Said Gwrhyr, 'Who is it that laments in this house of stone?'

'Alas, I am Mabon the son of Modron, and no imprisonment was ever so grievous as mine, not even that of Greid the son of Eri.'

'Hast thou hope,' asked Gwrhyr, 'of being released by gold or silver, or only combat?'

'Only by combat,' said the voice of the dungeon.

Then they went thence, and returned to Arthur, and they told him where Mabon the son of Modron was imprisoned. And Arthur summoned the warriors of the Island, and they journeyed as far as Gloucester, to the place where Mabon was in prison. Kay and Bedwyr went upon the shoulders of the fish, whilst the warriors of Arthur attacked the castle. And Kay broke through the wall into the dungeon, and brought away the prisoner upon his back, whilst the fight was going on between the warriors. And Arthur returned home, and Mabon with him at liberty.

So they gave Mabon the leash made of Dillus Varvawc's beard, and he took charge of Dridwyn.

They had still to win the sword of the giant Gwrnach. When they came to Gwrnach's castle the knife was in the meat and the drink in the horn, and no man was admitted save a craftsman bringing his craft. Kay entered as a burnisher of swords. He was very welcome to Gwrnach, and a chair was placed for him opposite the Giant. Gwrnach's sword was brought for him to burnish it. When he had burnished half, he put it into the Giant's hand, asking him, 'Will this please thee?' And Gwrnach said, 'I would rather have the whole blade like this than all that is in my dominions. I marvel