Page:Celtic Stories by Edward Thomas.djvu/73

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had not awakened him. Then they turned upon the enemy and fought side by. side. No one went alive out of the whirling of their two swords. If one of them seemed to grow weary, lifting up his arm slowly as a mill sail rises up, he brought it down mightily as a mill sail plunges from on high. The three Kings of the Island of the Torrent could not terrify them with their dragon looks, and they slew all three. Quickly Dermat struck off their heads and bore them up to the palace.

'What news?' asked Finn.

'We have slain the kings and here are their heads,' he answered.

'Thanks and blessings, Dermat. Come, sprinkle this door with their blood.'

As Dermat sprinkled the blood the door flew open and he and Fatha ran in. They poured blood on the enchanted clay, and Finn and his companions rose up free. But they had not their old strength, nor would it return before dawn.

Once more Dermat and Fatha stood at the ford, and while it was yet only half light, Borba the Haughty came against them with a chosen band. They came straight onward until they reached the points of Dermat's and Fatha's swords. There, one by one, they stopped, tried to turn back, took half a step forward and fell down. The defenders plied their swords warily so as to outlast the night. At the point of daybreak strength returned to the warriors in the Palace. One was sent to call Ossian; the rest, led by Finn, came to the ford. Gaul the son of Morna met Borba the Haughty and slew him. The enemy no longer came up so rapidly to be killed. Some turned and fled. A messenger ran back to the King of the World.

The King of the World rode up only to see Ossian