Page:Cesare Battisti and the Trentino.djvu/6

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Note on the Author

Dr. Giovanni Lorenzoni, born in Trentino, 1873, was a friend of Cesare Battisti and his companion for a while at the University. He was fifteen years ago professor of Political Economy at the Italian Department of the University at Innsbruck. After this department was closed in 1905 by the imposition of the pan-germanists, he went to Italy, where he was entrusted with several missions by the Italian Government. The most important of these was an inquiry upon social conditions in Sicily, which lasted three years. The results of these investigations were published in his book, "Sicilia" (two vols. Tip. del Senato Rome, 1910). In the years 1911-1915 he was General Director of the International Institute of Agriculture, founded by the King of Italy, in Rome, at the suggestion of an American citizen, Mr. David Lubin, of California, and in which fifty-four countries, including the United States, are represented. Dr. Lorenzoni left this position in 1915 to volunteer in the Royal Italian Army Alpine Corps, where he served for twenty months. When captain he was called back by the Italian Government, which had appointed him professor at the Royal University of Macerata. He is now Vice-President of the Political Association Italiani Irredenti, of Rome (Trentino Section), which practically includes all Trentino people. At present he is on a special mission in the United States for this society and for the redeemed countries together with Colonel Pizzarello and Dr. Furlani.

The Italian Bureau of Public Information.