Page:Chandra Shekhar.djvu/199

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Chandra Shekhar

Pratap won over the leading officials of the Nawab by flattery, and through them obtained an interview with the Nawab. What talk he had with the Nawab, no one came to know. After the interview Pratap left for his own native village.

Rupashi was relieved of her anxiety for Pratap, on his return home, after a long time. But she was much mortified at the news of Shaibalini's death. Sundari came to see Pratap when she heard he had come back. She was extremely grieved to hear that Shaibalini was no more. But she said, "Shaibalini has now become happy. How can I have the front to deny that, for her, death was by all means better than life?"

Pratap again left home. Soon after his departure, the news widely spread throughout the length and breadth of the country that Pratap Roy had been collecting together all the plunderers and Lathials of the places between Monghyr and Cutwa.

Gurgan Khan became anxious at this report.