Page:Chandrashekhar (1905).djvu/148

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“I know you have been abandoned in this lonely place by a wicked scoundrel,” continued the man.

The torrent from her eyes again broke loose and the stranger resumed, “Where do you intend to go now?”

Suddenly the fear left her. Dalani had found good reasons for it. She again wept. The tall man repeated his question.

“Where shall I go!” cried Dalani. “I have no place to go to. There is only one place, but that is very far, who will take me there?”

“You had better give up all idea of going to the Nawab," said the stranger.

Dalani was amazed and tremulously asked, “Why do you say so?”

“You are sure to get into danger,” said the stranger.

“Let there be danger,” she replied with a shudder, “I do not mind, I have no other refuge. Better danger by the side of one’s husband, than safety elsewhere.”

“Then get up,” said the stranger. “I will leave you with Mahammad Taqui at Murshidabad, he will send you to Monghyr. But follow my advice yet. War has already begun. The Nawab is making arrangements for sending his household to the Fort of Rhotasgarh. Do not go to Monghyr now.”

“Whatever might befall, I am determined to go.”

“You are not destined to visit Monghyr.”

Dalani was very much perturbed. “Who knows what is written in the book of Fate!” she exclaimed, “Come, I am ready to follow you to Murshidabad. So long there is life in me, I will not give up hopes of seeing the Nawab.”

"I know that very well, come,” said the stranger. In the dark night the two started for Murshidabad. The moth rushed towards the flame.