Page:Chandrashekhar (1905).djvu/163

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A Swiss or a German, named Dyes Sombre commonly known as ‘Samru,’ had enlisted under the banners of Mir Kasim. In the Mussalman camp at Udaynala Samru was present with his soldiers. Foster went to him. At first he artfully sent a messenger to Samru. Samru thought that he would be able to penetrate the secrets of the English through this man and he took Foster up. Concealing his real name, Foster gave him self out as one Mr. John Stalkartt and entered Samru’s tent. When Amir Hossein was busy in finding out Foster, the latter was there.

After bestowing Kulsam in a suitable place, Amir Hossein went out in search of Foster. He had heard from the attendants about him that avery strange thing had happened—an Englishman had enlisted in the Mussalman army and he was to be found in Samru’s tent. Amir Hossein bent his steps in that direction.

When Amir Hossein entered the tent, Samru and Foster were talking together. After he had taken his seat, Samru introduced Foster to him as Mr. John Stalkartt and Amir Hossein fell into a conversation with him.

After talking on various subjects Amir Hossein asked, “Do you know an Englishman named Lawrence Foster?”

Foster’s face flushed crimson, and fixing his eyes on the ground be altered out in a husky voice:

“Lawrence Foster you say? Why, I don’t know any such man.”

“Have you never heard his name?”

“Name! Lawrence Foster! Yes! Why? No!” stammered out Foster after a moment’s hesitation.

Amir Hossein did not pursue the subject any further, and began to talk on other matters. But he observed that Stalkartt had ceased to take any interest in the