Page:Chandrashekhar (1905).djvu/56

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Nawab all at once. First of all, you should inform him of all the details by a letter. If he loves you, he is sure to believe your statements. Then, after getting his permission you can appear before him.”

“But who is to carry the letter?”

“ I will have it sent. ”

Dalani then asked for pen and paper. The ascetic waked up Ramcharan again. The latter brought paper, pen, and other writing materials and left. Dalani began to write.

In the meantime the ascetic went on, “This house is not mine, but you can stay here so long as you do not hear the commands of the Nawab. No one will know or question.”

Circumstances forced the ladies to agree to it. When the letter had been finished, Dalani handed it to the ascetic. The latter went away with it after leaving all necessary instructions with Ramcharan regarding the comforts of the ladies.

He was well known to all the Hindu and Mussalman officers of the Nawab at Monghyr and they all respected him.

Secretary Ram Gobinda Ray held him in great reverence. After daybreak he entered the fort, saw Ram Gobinda and handed over Dalani’s letter to him. “Don’t mention my name please,” he warned Ram Gobinda as he gave the letter. “Only say a Brahmin brought it.”

"Come round for the reply to-morrow, please,” said the Secretary. The Secretary did not know whose letter it was. The ascetic then returned to his house He saw Dalani and said, “The reply will come to—morrow. You must manage to pass your time somehow to-day.”