Page:Charles Sedelmayer - Catalog of 100 paintings - illustratedcata04gallgoog.djvu/12

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CUIJP (Aelbert)


3. — Boy holding a gray Horse

A boy, in a brown hat and coat, is holding the bridle of a grey horse, ready saddled; above the road on which they stand, a steep wooded hill rises on the left; figures are seen in the distance to the right.

Sig-ned : A. cuijp.

Panel, 14 in. by 12 1/2 in.

Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 1879 .

Described in Dr. Waagen's « Art Treasures in Great Britain •. vol. iv, p. 45.^.

From the Collection of Lord Dunniore. — — Viscount Powerscourt.

CUIJP (Aelbert)

( 1620-1691 )

4. — Gentlemen watering their Steeds

In a river, occupying the whole of the foreground, are two gentlemen ; one, to the left, is letting his steed drink ; another, to the right, mounted on a grey horse, is speaking to a third gentleman, on a bay horse, who is on the bank of the river, pointing with his whip at some distant object. A dog is drinking from the river. A hilly landscape in the background; a house on the right.

Sig-ned : A. cuijp.

Panel, 17 3/4 in. by 21 1/2 in.

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