Page:Charles Sedelmayer - Catalog of 100 paintings - illustratedcata04gallgoog.djvu/302

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11. La Ménagère

A pretty young woman seated near an open window peeling apples. In the background. an open door with a light of steps. Signed on the right: i. Dov. Panel. I 1,2 in. by 14 1 4 in.

Engraved in by S. Katrer under the title:L.a Ménagère

Exhibited at Leipzig, in 1k). From the Collection of the Duke of Curland and Sagan.and dedicated Duke Peter of (urland, in whose possession the picture then was. Munich. in Prince Hohenzollern-ilechingen Dr. Martin Schubart. Munich.


(1-16 )

2. The Entombment

The hody of the Saviour is extended upon some drapery on the ground. the fore-part resting on the knees of the Virgin, who holds one of his hands. Her lace is turned upwards. On the left. Mary Magdalen. on her knces. weeping. On the right. two youthful angels. also kneeling. and farther back in the centre is seen an infant angei weeping

Canvas. 5·12 in·hy 'G in. Lithographed by S. A. Planson, in tha, with dedication to the Duchesse de Berry and title: Le ('hrisi pleure par la l ierge. la Madeleine et les inges. From the Collection of M. Janniny. ev secretary general of the Kingdom of Italy. From Lord Royston's Collection

From the Collection of Sir Charles Turner.