Page:Charles Sedelmayer - Catalog of 100 paintings - illustratedcata04gallgoog.djvu/344

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RUISDAEL (Jacob van)


37. — Edge of a Wood

Described in Dr. Waagen’s « Art Treasures », as follows : «  A dark landscape, with an old oak, a striking object, in the centre. On a dark piece of water arc two swans and four cygnets. On the right, in the middle distance, is a wood, on the left a hilly distance. On canvas. Ot great feeling for nature, and very careful rendering. »

Signed : J. v . Ruisdael. Canvas,20in. by2a 14in. Described in Dr. Waagen’s « Art Treasures in (treat Britain ». vol. IV. p.318. From the Collection of the Rev. Mr. Heath, Vicar of Enfield. M. Maurice Kann, Paris.

RUISDAEL (Jacob van)


38. — “ Le Ravin "

A woody landscape devided in the centre by a large ravine in which Hows a river. Two men are occupied with timber near a boat at the farther side of which are two sheep. On a road at the border of the ravine to the right, a shepherd with a flock of sheep, and beyond, a cottage half hidden by trees. Signed, and dated : J . v. Ruisdael, 1647. Panel,261/2in. by3812in. Exhibited at Berlin, 1890 . From the Collection of M. Maurice Kann. Paris.

('. Hollitscher, Berlin.
