Page:Charles Sedelmayer - Catalog of 100 paintings - illustratedcata04gallgoog.djvu/427

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The Times, London, .May 21, 1896.

No such monument has ever been erected to any painter. To attempt such a work at all, three things were necessary — photography with its modern deve- lopment, enterprise, and a critical authority as complete as Dr. Mode's is.

The Times, London, April 14, 1897.

We commend this book as a wonderful result of modern reconstructive scho- larship, zeal, and enterprise. When the eight volumes arc completed, they will be quite indispensable to every library which concerns itself with the history of art.

The Times, London, January 7, 1898.

The second of the eight volumes of this important and splendid work has just been issued by M. Sedelmeyer and is not less carefully executed than the first. The volume as a whole, like its predecessor, represents all that scholarship, care and money can do towards the erection of a worthy monument to Rembrandt’s memory.

Illustrated London News, April 25 , 1896.

1 he value and beauty of this collection, which exceeds anything before at- tempted, are beyond controversy.

The Daily Telegraph, London, October 22, 1896.

1 he work will be a veritable monument to the genius of the very greatest of all painters.

American Register, Paris, March 27, 1897.

A magnificent work of art, at which no less a connoisseur than Mr. Charles Sedelmeyer, the well-known dealer and expert in art, in collaboration with Director Bode, has been working for fully fifteen years, has at last been completed. It is the richly illustrated edition in eight large volumes of « l’CEuvre Coniplet de Rembrandt, » a veritable literary and artistic monument to the great Dutch master, all of whose works, scattered throughout the world, have here been reproduced in heliogravure, with full descriptive text. The first volume has made its appearance, and, as might well have been foreseen, does great credit to the enterprising editor as well as to France.