Page:Charles von Hügel (1903 memoir).djvu/24

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182630 Lives at his villa at Hietzing, and devotes himself to horticulture and the study of natural science.

1829 (Early in September.) Charles' second sister, Marin, dies at Ratisbon[1].
1830 His engagement to the Countess Mélanie Zichy Ferraris is broken off. (She marries Prince Metternich January 30, 1831.)
" Visits England and France, in preparation for his proposed travels to the East.
1831 (May —.) Sails from Toulon, and occupies this year, and the following five years, in travel and exploration[2].
1836 (—— ——.) Returns home.
" From this year to 1848 leads a studious life at Hietzing, working with the scientific results of his travels and resuming his botanical and horticultural pursuits.
1837 (May 27.) Charles’ mother, Anna Susanna Philippina, Baroness von Hügel (née von Holthof) dies at Vienna, aged sixty nine.
" (—— ——.) Establishes the Viennese Gartenbaugesellschaft, of which he is nominated President.
1840 The first volume of his work on Cashmere appears.
1846 (—— ——.) Charles' eldest sister, ‘Nanny‘ (Anna), dies at Vienna somewhere about this time.
1847 (May 14.) Appointed, on the day of its foundation, an ‘Actual Member' of the k. k. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Vienna.
" (August 10.) Betrothed, at Verona, to Miss Elizabeth Farquharson, daughter of General Francis Farquharson (of Allargue) and of Margaret Outram.
1848 (March 13.) On the outbreak of the revolution conveys the Chancellor, Prince Metternich, out of Vienna to Felsberg and thence, by the Hague, to England.
"1849. Spends the winter in England.
1849 (—— ——.) Rejoins the army under Prince Windischgrätz, who, with his troops, had, until now, been engaged in quelling the disorders in Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia: is sent, in March, to Radetzky's headquarters in Lombardy.
" (May 28.) Is awarded the Patron’s Medal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, for geographical research in Cashmere and elsewhere.
" Accompanies Baron d’Asper, Master of the Ordnance, as diplomatic agent, in his advance into Tuscany; and takes part in the siege of Leghorn, and in the entry into Florence on May 25.