Page:Charter of Freedoms and Exemptions.djvu/8

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they shall be free, but they shall not, under pretext of this consent or [leave] from the Company, carry any other goods to Italy on pain of peremptory punishment, it remaining at the option of the Company to put a supercargo on board each ship as in the eleventh article.

XXIV. In case any of the colonists, by his industry and diligence should discover any minerals, precious stones, crystals, marbles or the like, or any pearl fishery, the same shall be and remain the property of the patroon or patroons of such colony, provided the discoverer be given such premium as the patroon shall beforehand stipulate with his colonists by contract. And the patroons shall be exempt from the payment of any duty to the Company for the term of eight years, and for freight merely shall pay two per cent; and after the aforesaid eight years, for duty and freight, one eighth part of what the same may be worth in this country.

XXV. The Company will take all the colonists, free men as well as those that are in service, under its protection and help to defend them against all domestic and foreign attacks and violence, with the forces it has there, as much as lies in its power.

XXVI. Whosoever shall settle any colonies out of the limits of Manhattes Island must satisfy the Indians of that place for the land and may enlarge the limits of their colonies if they settle a proportionate number of colonists thereon.

XXVII. The patroons and colonists shall in particular endeavor as quickly as possible to find some means whereby they may support a minister and a schoolmaster, that thus the service of God and zeal for religion may not grow cool and be neglected among them, and they shall for the first, procure a comforter of the sick there.

XXVIII. The colonies that shall be established on the respective rivers or islands (that is to say, each river or island for itself), may appoint an agent, who shall give the commander and council information about that district and further matters before the council