Page:Cheery and the chum (IA cheerychum00yate).pdf/47

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corn-flowers the best of all; and, somehow, after a visit to the wonderful tamarack swamp, the corn field seemed delightfully warm and cozy, and the rustle of the long corn blades, seemed happier than the sighing of the evergreen branches.

There was a splendid pile of lumber over by the granary, and they had great times climbing over it and making houses of the boards; and Mr. Cann made them a perfectly fine see-saw; and, too, there was a "crow's nest" in one of the apple trees.

One day, in exploring the granary, they found there stored, two saddles, one of them a side-saddle, and there were also two saw-horses. The Chum suddenly saw the possibilities. For once he didn't say a word; but when Cheery went to