Page:Cheery and the chum (IA cheerychum00yate).pdf/72

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"Come on, let's go and show him to Mrs. Cann!" cried The Chum, as soon as he could get his breath from laughing.

"All right," said Cheery, "only we must clear up here first," and she was just beginning to gather up the papers and brushes, when they heard Mr. Cann's voice, coming from near the pig-pen, just outside of the open door.

"I have only three pigs of the size you want," he was saying. "That is the best I can do."

"I wanted four," said a strange voice. "What about the white one that I saw in the yard as I came through?"

"No," said Mr. Cann. "The Children have raised that one by hand. I wouldn't like to sell that."

"It's just what I want," said the other voice.

"Still," said Mr. Cann, thoughtfully; "the children are going away tomorrow,—and it has come to be rather troublesome about the place."