Page:Chelčický, Molnar - The Net of Faith.djvu/102

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[ This chapter contains Chelčický’s commentary on Wyclif’s theory that there are three types of government, namely, divine, human, and angelic,[361] and that every Christian has an authority, not civil, but evangelical. The prophets had such authority, and such have the Christian prelates. Pagan kings exercise temporal authority through civil laws and spiritual kings through the law of the Gospel. Commenting on this dualism, Chelčický says: ]

Do not mix poison with honey: for the poison, even though mixed with sweets, will not turn into medicine but will always remain poison. Poison can do naught else but kill human beings.

[ Therefore, do not drink Antichrist’s poison offered to you by Caesar, but abide only by the apostolic honey. ] The Pope, too, has mixed poison with Christ’s gospel. The foolish person, being attracted to it, cannot escape its venom; he will drink it like gospel. And now therefore, since they have mixed so much poison with the gospel, they can offer much more for drinking than they had before. Thus, under the name of Jesus, they can bring the whole world into paganism. Indeed, in his name they feed the world with poison…



[ This chapter deals with the rule and administration of ‘King Jesus, contrary to the rule of kings and countries.’ He is responsible to God only and dependent from Him. This was foretold to Mary by the angel of the Annunciation: ]

And you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the House of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.[362]

[ His rule was foretold even in the Old Testament: ]