Page:Chelčický, Molnar - The Net of Faith.djvu/121

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of violent robberies; Cain fortified the city because he feared them whom he had in any way despoiled. Therefore, the beginning of power and sovereignty is to be found in human cupidity and violence. Wherefore Solomon says to the kings,

“Listen, O Kings, and take warning, O Judges of the earth.[436] Incline your ears, you who boast of ruling over multitudes of nations, and who enjoy being the first.[437] For He will come upon you terribly and swiftly, for a stern judgment overtakes those in high places.[438]



[ Even the worst ruler must appeal to his people by virtue of his opposition to evil powers. He must speak in terms of justice done even to the least subject of his realm. He is, unwittingly, comparing his rule to that perfect rule of God. In doing this he acknowledges God’s priority. ]

David and other kings … who had the knowledge of God … could rule over the people according to the law of God, and even use compulsion… But the Jewish law was a material, physical law, and therefore they were allowed to use physical compulsion with regard to the disobedient.



[ The kings according to the old dispensation ruled the people by law. They did not punish robbery by execution but by restitution.[439] The rulers of today, however, even though they call themselves Christian, abide by neither the new nor the old law; they kill the robber. ] And it is said in the New Testament,

Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his hands, so that he may be able to give to those in need.[440]

[ The Christian kings do not heed these principles. ] There are some who do not have even as much sense as to be able to settle a small dispute between two peasants. (All they know is to hang and to torture.) The divine element is much smaller in the rule of Christian kings than it was in the rule of pagan