Page:Chelčický, Molnar - The Net of Faith.djvu/99

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[ The whole of this chapter is given to the argument of the Simoniacal priest who maintains that the early Christians of pre-Constantinian times were living in a very unenviable situation, being poor servants, mistreated by their lords, tortured, and killed. ]

It is ridiculous therefore to say that the original Church of Christ was in a perfect condition in the days of the apostles and other disciples… On the contrary, the Church of Christ became perfect when it accepted temporal power from the Emperor.

[ Paul answers saying that it is wrong to measure the perfection of the Church of God by the standards of perfection of temporal authority.[352] ]

For the priest, this was like drinking sour wine from a goblet.

[ Paul goes on to say that in gaining temporal security, the Church lost spiritual perfection. ]

The lovers of the world repose under the shadow of the authoritarian Church, and secular power protects those things that they love. And in doing this, they build not on a rock, but on earthly considerations weak as sand.



[ Paul continues his argument admitting that the Christians were very poor and living in unpleasant conditions during the first three hundred years, but this does not imply that the Church was not spiritually perfect. ]

The states and powers are always earthly and temporal. But Jesus declared that he was not a ruler of a temporal kingdom. That is why he said, “My kingdom is not of this world.”[353] And he explained this even more clearly to his disciples when he said, “The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them… But not so with you.”[354] That means that the dignity of the Church of Christ does not depend on the success of temporal things.

[ On the contrary, adversity causes the Church to prosper spiritually; in giving the Beatitudes, Jesus taught his disciples to lose earthly attachments and to cling to things eternal. ]

With these speeches Paul describes the fullness and perfection of the original Church, richer in poverty, in patience, and in other spiritual matters than the later Church… It is evident from this disputation that to the big-bellied priest the early Church has a bad odor, it being so poor, with torn sides and a wounded head. Of course, the later Church is safe, peaceful, and protected by the shadow of the Emperor’s sword, having learned apostolic men of pink faces, with long tunics and tall miters; here is the heart of the priest brought up in a cool shade! The early Church was rich in spiritual treasures and victorious in many martyrdoms… The Church of Christ is bound to carry its cross and to overcome with patience every injustice until the Day of Judgment.[355]

[ Every time the Church has shown impatience or dissatisfaction with its poor condition it has transgressed the commandment of God and committed a mortal sin. ]