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going out, and it made him feel good. By and by he looked over at me.

"What you looking that way for, Chet?" he asked.

I didn't answer, and Mother shook her head at him—she knows my moods,—but he didn't pay any attention.

"What's the matter," he said again.

I knew I'd got to answer some time, so I said,—"Bess is going away again."

"Where's she going?" asked Dad.

"Chicago," I said.

"Leaves you pretty much alone, doesn't it? Why don't you go along?"

I pressed my lips tighter. I didn't feel like being joked.

"Well," said Dad, "of course you don't have to; but I should think it would be a nice trip for you."

I gasped. "Aren't you fooling?" I asked.

"No," said Dad. "You've been home all—Summer, and helped in the store a good deal, and if Mr. Carter will take you along, I don't see ied you shouldn't go for a week or so."

Gee! I just sat still and stared.