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"By thinking nice things instead of unpleasant ones," said Bess; "but I don't do it nearly as much as I ought to,—I'm only trying to get the habit."

"You never catch me getting that kind of habit," I said. "I always get the kind that have to be broken, smashed—until the word 'habit' always seems to mean something bad, that I have got to get rid of,—or ought to get rid of, at least."

"That's so," said Twinny, and then the other part of her interrupted.

"Oh, see how much bigger the waves are! Don't they look pretty and white on top? And look how plainly you can see the sand dunes now."

"Where's the city?" asked Bess. "I don't see anything but yellow hills all along the shore. There isn't a single break."

"Oh, yes there is," said Twinny. "When we get a little nearer you will see a wider space between two of the dunes, and that's where the river comes through, and then you can see some of the spires and buildings. The town is all behind the dunes."

Bess had turned away from the water and was looking rather anxiously toward the stern.