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there; and then when they got up, at last—here Twinny looked at each other and laughed.

"What's the matter?" I asked. "Wasn't the view worth it?"

"We don't know," said Twinny; "we never looked to see. After we'd gone and worn ourselves to a frazzle climbing up through all that loose sand, we found that if we had just gone around the base of the hill a little way, we could have walked right up an easy slope; and it made us so mad to think of all the bother we'd had, that we just turned around and went right back down without even looking at the view!"

Bess and I laughed. "Isn't that just the way," said Bess. "We struggle and struggle to get something; and then we spend so much time thinking about how hard it was to get, that we entirely lose sight of the thing itself, and don't get any good out of it."

"Here's the place," called Twinny, who had run a little way ahead. "This is where we ate last year."

"Why, how can you tell?" asked Bess, looking around; "It's just the same everywhere—only smooth sand."