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"Yes," said Bess, soberly, "it must be glorious! All of the work, and the study and the pain, must be swallowed up in the glory of it!"

Twinny sat with her chin in the hollow of her hand. "And to think," she went on, "of the thousands and thousands of people who are thinking 'thank you' all the time,—thinking it with their whole hearts, not just saying it,—because they've learned how to be good and happy and well!"

Bess looked at her in surprise. "I didn't know that you knew so much about it," she said.

"I don't know much," said Twinny, shaking her head; "but I'm going to know more. I've been watching the Christian Scientists that I've met, and asking questions, until I'm satisfied—with the outside and—"

"And now you're going after the inside, are you?" I asked.

"I am," said Twinny, very earnestly, and then she laughed. "There's two of me to manage, though," she said, "and there's likely to be some squabbles."

"Ho," said Bess, "there's two of all of us when we begin, and we squabble dreadfully;—but the