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and began feeling of my face and head. Then I saw that every one was looking at my feet, and I looked down, and there was my straw hat, the rim of it, encircling my leg, half way to the knee. There was nothing left of the crown but a fringe of straw! I held up my foot and stared at it. "Gee," I said, "how did I do it? I must have got to turning somersaults again. Now, do you s'pose it went down over my head, or up over my foot?"

I kicked the thing off, and then went into the cabin for more chairs, and we formed a chain and passed them up to the stern, where we were sitting before, for the boat was rolling too much for us to try to carry anything, and then we sat down and held onto the rail, to keep from going skating, chairs and all, across the deck. The fruit had all gone overboard or been crushed to marmalade.

"And those plums were so awfully good," sighed Twinny, looking at her stained hands and dress.

"Let's have the rest of the sandwiches," I said. "Excitement is a great thing for the appetite! Where are they, Aunt Fannie?"

Aunt Fannie didn't say a word; but she pointed