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their father or grandfather had it before them, or to keep them company, or something like that."

And then we went to talking about some of the ideas she had, and I got so interested that I forgot whether we were on sea or on land, until suddenly I noticed that it was beginning to get dark, and that I was hungry again.

"Well," I said," what do you think of that! I feel as fit as a fiddle and you didn't have to do anything for me after all," and for some reason I felt sort of pleased over it.

"No," said Bess, "I didn't. It isn't the person, it's the realization of the truth, which does the healing; and we have been talking a good deal of truth for the last hour."

Of course I could see that she was probably right; and that there was nothing for me to do but say "thank you," and then put the experience away to think about when I had lots of time and no interruptions.

We talked for a while longer, and then, when the lights of the city seemed very near, we went back to where the others were, to help gather up wraps and things, and get ready to go ashore. Twinny was heavy-headed and half asleep and