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by the conductor came and told us to get off, and showed us which corner to go to, and warned us to take a car going the right way; and in a few minutes we were bowling along again in a trolley. We didn't ride very long that time, and when we got off, we were close to the lake again, and I could see over a stone wall, the little shining waves, with the moonlight making a path across them. I'd have liked to stay and watch it; but a blue cable train was coming, and it was labelled 'Cottage Grove Avenue' all right, so Uncle Fred hustled us on again, and we began rattling and rumbling along.

"Uncle Fred leaned back and heaved a sigh of relief, as soon as we were seated, and they went to talking again, and I put my hand up beside my face and looked out of the rear window. It wasn't a pretty street, such as you would expect from the name, for it was all made up of small stores and shops, and sometimes the entrance to a little park with trees and houses, and sometimes I could catch a gleam of the lake, at the ends of the cross streets. And then, by and by, the stores stopped and there began to be houses, and then there were a lot of trees and bushes on one side