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"Just inside of the door was what appeared to be an office, and two men were sitting there. Uncle Fred walked up to one of them. 'We would like to see Miss Mills,' he said, taking out some cards.

"'What is the name?' asked the man.

"'The names are on the cards,' said Uncle Fred, rather stiffly.

"'I mean the name you asked for,' said the man.

"'Oh! Miss Mills.'

"The man shook his head. 'We have no one of that name here,' he said.

"'Oh, yes you have,' said Uncle Fred, very decidedly; 'Miss Eleanor Mills, of Tennessee.'

"The man shook his head again. 'No,' he said, 'there's no such name on our books.'

"Uncle Fred began to look annoyed. 'I don't wish to dispute you,' he said, with a whole lot of dignity; 'but she told me that she was here. I had her on the telephone this afternoon. Of course it is possible that she didn't know where she was staying, but she seemed to. She was here all last year, as well.'

"The man pursed his lips. 'I don't know any such name,' he said again.