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and picked up another sample sheet. "Let me see these," she said.

"They are all there on the sheet, madam," said Uncle Rob; "See, here is one card like each one in the package."

The woman set her lips. "I say I want to see the package."

Uncle Rob looked at me again, and then turned and found the box and handed her a package. She scattered that, like the other, and then said, "Let me see some of these."

Uncle Rob didn't say a word; he just meekly turned around and took down the box. She took out one package and scattered the cards, and then another, and then asked to see some more.

Uncle Rob had got beyond saying a thing;—he just looked sort of dazed, and for half an hour he stood there and handed her out packages of reward cards; and then she picked up her purse and shopping bag. "I may be in again this afternoon," she said; "I want to see what they've got at Wagner's and at Martin's," and she walked off down the store.

Uncle Rob watched her out of the door, and then looked down at the stack of cards and sample