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their feet, and that mine had cramps in them already.

"He seemed glad of that.

"'Well,' he said, 'we can't have it in here,'—and then he stood and waited.

"I was just beginning to get real bothered, when suddenly the funny side of it struck me, and I could feel the corners of my mouth going up.

I tried to draw them down. "'Now, see here,' I said, 'suppose you were me, and this was your type-writer, what would you do with it, right now?'

"He moistened his lips several times. 'H-m,' he said, 'Well, I—I guess I'd have to carry it on the roof.'

"I tried to look relieved. 'How can I get up there?' I said, 'and will I have to stay with it, and hold it on?'

He laughed then, and so did I; and then he said that if the other berth wasn't taken, the case could stay where it was; so I festooned myself around it and waited until we should have passed some place, I can't remember what, to see if any one had the berth.

"Some one had. A decided-looking man and his wife came in and compared the number of