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for fear that it would be held up in Buffalo, and I had only fifteen minutes between trains there. So I decided that, since my early tip to the porter from Washington had worked so well, I would try that way again.

"The trip to Buffalo took only half an hour,—that is, as far as the Buffalo 'yards'; but when we got there, our train stopped to wait for another train to get through doing something, and then it waited for some engines to do things, and then it backed a little way and sat down to think about it.

"I looked at my watch, and then took my valise and carried it to the front of the car and went back and tackled the type-writer; but about six men jumped before I had gotten a fair hold on the handle, and the way it was hustled out onto the platform of the car, must have given it a shock. I told some of them that I had to make the train that was going in six minutes, and they got interested and almost tumbled off the train trying to see what was the matter, and how near in we were; and when the conductor came along, they pretty nearly mobbed him; and then they got out their watches, and put their thumb-nails on