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"'That train's gone, Miss,' said the guard; 'but you can get on this and go to Welland and wait for it.'

"'Wait for it?' I said. I began to think that my head was getting wabbly.

"'Yes, Miss, it goes around by the Falls, you know, and gets to Welland half an hour after this. You can use your ticket.'

"That seemed all right, so I climbed on, and two of the men from East Aurora brought in my belongings and wished me good luck, and I was off again. It was a parlor car, and I got the incubus over close to the window and festooned myself around it once more and thought I would be all right for the hour or so between there and Welland.

"By and by the porter came in and looked suspiciously at my drapery.

"'Customs has to examine yo' things, Miss,' he said.

"I unlooped myself and handed him a quarter, and he set the case and my valise beside another chair, where there was a man's suit-case. He didn't ask for my keys, but he had the suit-case open. By and by the customs officer came