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"No. But, honestly, if you were very, very sick, wouldn't you be afraid not to have a physician?"

"Why, Chet, I'd a million times rather trust the case to a Christian Science practitioner. Not but that the doctors are honest and noble and good, but I believe that Christian Science treats the real causes, clear down at the foundation of the trouble,—like taking away the reason for the sorrow, instead of putting something in your eyes to stop the tears."

"But," I said, "there are some other ways of healing without medicine,—and they seem to really cure people sometimes, too. Why aren't those as good as Christian Science, if they heal?"

"Well," said Bess, "suppose that when you were a little, wee boy, you had wakened up one night and thought that there was a tiger under your bed. And suppose you had gotten up and run to your mother and told her about it, and she had comforted you and told you that there was no tiger there, and explained to you that there were no tigers loose in this country, and even if there had been, one couldn't get into the house and under your bed; and then she would take a light