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there really were a tiger to come and be driven away.

"Now do you see the difference? In both cases, the fear is quieted, and you go back to sleep. With your mother's treatment, the ignorance from which you were suffering is destroyed right at the start, and so it doesn't come back again; or if it seems to for a moment, as soon as you remember the facts, it is gone, and you get out of the habit of thinking of it. But with the other way of handling it, the person is working all the time to drive out the tiger, instead of proving that there isn't any; and so that tiger or another one keeps on coming back—and back, and you never do get over being frightened about it; and by and by the fear of it may eat you up, even if there isn't any tiger to do the job."

"I see," I said. "To be healed just physically by any means, is only to try to drive away the tiger;—but to know the truth and in that way wipe out the thing that you called sickness,—is to get rid of the article that made a noise like a tiger, for keeps. He can't come back when you know he isn't!"

"Good," said Bess. "I'm glad you're doing