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standing! Look at the time that man has put in, and the experiments, and the successes. He's the most wonderful man alive!"

"And aren't you grateful to him?"

"Am I? Well, say, how many years do you think it would have taken me to find out for myself the things that he's worked out and made plain for me, and so I can use them? I couldn't have done it in a life-time;—but he's put his life-time in it, and I can have for the mere reading, the conclusions of all of his years of study and experiment. Because of his thinking and his investigation, and because he is too generous to keep it to himself, I can start now with years and years of work to the good. Well, I should say I am grateful!"

"And you're not ashamed of studying his methods and demonstrations? You're willing that every one should know that you think him a wonderful man, and that you are indebted to him?"

"Well, I'd like to get up on the house-top and talk about it!"

"But the biggest thing of all is your gratitude, isn't it?"