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"Steady this," she said to Uncle Rob, and then she chased to the rear of the store and came back with a window-brush, that's on the end of a long pole so it will reach to the top of the windows. Uncle Rob saw the point, and as soon as she had taken her place at the ladder again, he took it and reached it up to Dad. Dad took hold of it and Uncle Rob held hard, and in a moment Dad was back down three steps, and sitting on the top one rubbing his arms and legs.

"Why didn't some of you do that a long time ago," he said.

I hadn't told Bess that I had given up my room, and she thought that the paper was for the southwest room; and I didn't tell her until it was all papered and finished, and I had sand-papered the book-shelves and done them over to match things better; and the desk had been brought up and put in place,—and then I had her come over to see.

She was as good as Mother for she didn't palaver a bit, but just showed by her eyes and face how she felt about it. She had brought over the writing set and a pottery jug that she had made in school, and she said that she would have some